Another Baby (Part 2)

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"Where did you get this from?" He looked down at his little girl in his lap.

"The bathroom." She giggled and jumped off his lap before skipping down the hall to her room. His eyes darted up to look at her, his throat dry as he spoke.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yeah." She answered quietly, suddenly starting to feel uncomfortable.

"When did you find out?"

"A week ago."

"And you didn't think I should know?" His voice sounding deep, indicating he was close to yell.

"I-I didn't want you to know." She whispered and she could see his eyes were turning into a dark shade of green, her own staring to get blurry, as tears were starting to well up in her eyes.

"You didn't want me to know?!" He yelled, "You don't think I have the right to know I'm going to be a father again?! Well, let me tell you something. I've fucking every right to know!"

"Don't yell at me." Her voice sounded hoarse from all the crying and her tears were spilling out from her eyes.

"Don't yell at you? Give me one good reason for why I shouldn't. Because right now it's a little fucking hard not to, when you're acting like a selfish bitch." He boomed with anger, his mind regretting the words as soon as they slipped out of his mouth, but he was to caught up in the moment to even process, what he had said. And instantly her sadness was turning into anger as she heard those words coming out from his mouth and she watched him walk out of the room. She quickly followed him into the kitchen, smashing an old vase to the floor getting his full attention.

"What was that for?!" He yelled once again, his voice so deep.

"Don't yell at me." She replied. "I can't take this anymore, okay? I can't. I didn't want this to happen. I can't have a child, when you're about to leave. I don't want it to grow up without it's father by it's side. And I didn't tell you because I can't bare the thought of telling you, when you'll leave the next day. So, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a selfish bitch." She cried out, getting more and more frustrated with him, feeling she couldn't reach him, "I can't do this, Justin. I can't. Not without you." She cried.

And it broke him. It broke him to see her in such a vulnerable state, knowing it was all his fault. His anger towards her disappearing. He couldn't be angry with her. Not anymore at least. It wasn't fair to blame it all on her, when he was the one to blame. He was angry with himself. Angry because he let this happened. Angry because he could see how she was crumbling on the inside, but trying to stay strong on the outside. Not just for her, but for their daughter and their unborn child as well. He then realized that he was the one who was selfish and not her. If anything she was far from selfish and it made him sick to his stomach for saying those words. He regretted it. He regretted it so much; not only for saying it, but for hurting her in the first place. She was the love of his life. The love he now had lost for good. They were divorced and as much as he wanted her back, he knew he couldn't. He couldn't live with what he had done. He couldn't live with the guilt he felt whenever he looked at her. She deserved someone better and he wasn't that person. No matter how much it hurt him, he couldn't be the one for her anymore.

"I can't do this, Justin. I can't. Not without you." She repeated again, now sounding more broken than ever; like she had heard every thoughts in his head, "I can't live without you. I don't know what to do, when you're not around. I feel so lost. Please Justin, please."

He was holding her in his arms as she sobbed into the fabric of his shirt, clinging to him for her dear life. "It will be okay, I promise. I'll always be here no matter what. We'll figure it out, we always do." He assured her, holding her tighter in his arms.

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