Runaway Groom

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(This oneshot is written in the second person so "you, your, yours" so just imagine that you are Demi, or yourself if you want. And Justin's sister Jazmyn in this story is only a little bit younger than him by like two years or so.)


You crept down the dimly lit hallway. Your head turned from side to side, peeping down the lengths of the corridor, hoping that you wouldn't be found out. You were quiet in your pursuit, your bare feet moving soundlessly across the carpeted floors as you drew your silk robe tighter around you. It was silly; you had to admit that much, but the little thrill of sneaking out made you feel like a teenager again. Your best friend, and maid of honour, could've been anywhere, ready to catch you and send you straight back to your side of the hotel floor. You weren't even entirely sure of where you were going, making you wish that you'd brought your cell phone with you, but wandering with no sense of purpose was better than remaining locked away in your room.

Out of nowhere, someone cleared their throat from behind. Startled, you immediately turned on your heels, figuring you'd been caught. Rather, you turned to find Justin grinning at you.

"Going somewhere?" He was quiet.

A sigh of relief escaped you at the sight of him. "You scared me, I thought you were you know who."

Your voice matched his in softness. If your best friend knew you were there with Justin, she would undoubtedly strangle you both.

"I think I have more reason to be afraid of her," He chuckled. "We've got to get away while we still can."

It was hard not to remember the stern talking to the two of you had received earlier in the day, though admittedly, it was only half heard. What it did contain was a bunch of very promising threats, ones you were sure she'd fulfill if you and Justin broke "tradition". But neither of you were able to catch a proper night's sleep, so when you found out he was still awake, it was all too tempting to spend your last remaining hours as a bachelorette with the man whose last name you'd be claiming as your own.

He reached out his arm, draping it across your shoulder. Your hand found his, fingers naturally entwining.

"Where to?" You smiled up at him as the two of you started to a location that was still unknown to you. You and Justin had been together for years, but in the moment, you felt like a couple of love struck kids.

His eyes darted fondly about your face as he gave you a lopsided grin. "You'll see."

The journey wasn't necessarily treacherous. In a matter of minutes, with the help of averagely long hallways and a few flights of stairs you were at the entrance of the rooftop of the hotel. Justin's arm had long fallen by his side, but his hand remained in yours as you followed closely behind him. He pushed open the door, allowing you to step ahead of him. Instantly, you were greeted by the glowing lights of the city against the dark early morning skies. The deserted area was decorated with nice furniture, indicating that if it were any other time of night; the place would be thriving with life. Regardless, it was absolute magic. You freed your hand from his as you ventured off to get a better look. The gentle breeze flowed through your hair, but you didn't mind. No matter where you looked, you were surrounded by nothing but the city. The sound of life carrying on below buzzed all around in comparison to the serenity of the rooftop. Still amazed, you turned to Justin, who was watching you from the chair he'd inhabited, a chair that could easily fit two.

With a tender smile, you walked over to him and joined him in the oversized seat as you sat upright with your knees practically drawn to your chest with your legs draped across his lap. Nothing was really said. You simply found solace in his company. Your head was resting against your knees as your attention was still being held by the dauntingly beautiful skyline. And if Justin's longs fingers weren't gently running up and down the length of your back, they were even more gentle as they glided along your legs.

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