It was fair and square.

It was a magnificent technique.

He completely read his enemy's attacks and spun in the nick of time, the slashed right before his enemy struck.

It's over.

I just want to go to hell like a man.

In the middle of the air, Hanabi is shocked. 'He wants to go, but his demon's side is not allowing him to.' She grabbed her sword handle with her right hand and readying herself in the mid-air to launch an attack. 'Then let me help you.'

She pulled out her sword from the sheaths and concentrated herself.

Breath of Nature: Ninth Form; Fireworks.

Sparks of fire is surrounded her sword as she get closer to the demon. She slashed the demon's head and landing safely on the floor, creating flare of colorful sparks behind her from the attack. She glance at the demon who is starting to whitering away. "Rest well, Hakuji-san."

Tanjirou who has been fighting the demon from before is surprised when he saw the Nature Pillar suddenly barging in. "Hanabi...-san?"

The Nature Pillar sheated back her sword and glance at the voice that is calling her name. There she saw Tanjirou who has bloods coming down from his forehead. Beside him is the man that she has been looking for, looking at her with wide ocean eyes.

"Tanjirou-kun! Giyuu!" She runs towards Tanjirou first because the boy looks like he is going to passed out in any second.

"You killed...him. It's over..." Tanjirou muttered. "We...have Tamayo..." Tanjirou passed out immediately after that. Hanabi quickly catched him before he can fall to the floor.

"Hanabi..." Giyuu muttered while trying to approached her, but when he tried to do so, he staggered and almost fall onto the ground. 

"Giyuu!" She called out of worry, seeing her significant other is about to hit the floor.

Giyuu quickly used his sword that is broken into half to support his body from hitting the floor. He manage to hold his body from falling, but feeling the exhaustion creeping to his entire body, his vision is getting darker. He rested his forehead on his hand that is holding down the sword in the floor.

Hanabi quickly laid down Tanjirou on the floor carefully and immediately approaching Giyuu. "Giyuu, can you move?"

"Hana..." He muttered under his breath, "thank God... you'" He passed out. 

Hanabi quickly help him to laid down next to Tanjirou. She carefully releasing his sword from his grip and gently placing his head on the floor.

"Their state is awful. They must have fought that previous demon with great effort," Kikyō said beside her.

"I know, they passed out because of exhaustion," Hanabi said after checking them out. "But their bleeding must be stopped now." She sat between the two and concentrated again.

Will of Nature: Mother Nature; Blessing.

She lifted her hand above each of them and healed them with he gift. 'I can't fully healed them and this battle is still long. At least they won't lose any blood from these wounds.'

She observe them while keep healing them. 'I am glad that they are still alive.' She glance at the ravenette and smiled. 'What would I do without you.'

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