13: Please babe, I can explain

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I had to tell him the truth before Ryland did. It can't be that bad after all it's just about me and Ryland being together a long time ago.

So, I waited for him to lie on his back so that I could sit over him.

"(Zac) How late is it."

"(Amelia) That doesn't matter we have to talk."

"(Zac) Can't it wait until later?"

"(Amelia) No, we have to do it now."

"(Zac) Okay well, what's up babe?"

"(Amelia) Ryland and I used to date. So that means we know each other. I'm sorry I never told you but I didn't think it was important."

"(Zac) I know."

"(Amelia) You do, how?"

"(Zac) I overheard your conversation last night."

"(Amelia) I'm so sorry."

"(Zac) Why didn't you just tell me?"

"(Amelia) Because it's part of my past and it doesn't matter because you're all that matters."

"(Zac) You should have told me I wouldn't be mad. It just didn't make sense to me that you guys were weird around one another."

"(Amelia) Now you know."

"(Zac) Must I tell him to move out?"

"(Amelia) Oh, no I'm fine with him living here. I love you and his, your brother so I don't mind."

"(Zac) Okay."

"(Amelia) Wait you're not asking because you think I'll end up with him, are you?"

"(Zac) No babe I know you won't hurt me. I just thought it would be weird."

"(Amelia) No not at all."

"(Zac) But next time just tell me. There shouldn't be secrets between us. You know you can tell me anything."

"(Amelia) I know."

"(Zac) Now that we're talking. I have something to tell you as well."

"(Amelia) Okay."

"(Zac) Chloe and I used to be together as you know. When I was part of the gang, she was my girl. We went out one night and got drunk. We both had our mistakes but this topped it..."

"(Amelia) What did you do?"

"(Zac) I found out the other day that..."

"(Amelia) That what Zac?"

"(Zac) That..."

"(Amelia) Tell me!"

"(Zac) That she had a child. I'm a father Amelia."

"(Amelia) You're a what?"

"(Zac) You heard me."

"(Amelia) I'm going to take a shower."

"(Zac) Babe wait I can explain."

"(Amelia) Is there anything else you're hiding from me?"

"(Zac) No, I swear. It wasn't my fault she drugged me."

"(Amelia) Not only she is guilty. You had a part in it. No wonder she wanted to catch up. I think I'm going to be sick."

"(Zac) Babe please."

"(Amelia) I just need some time."

I closed the door behind me. I thought my secret was bad his topped it all.

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