1: Senior Year

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Senior year finally came around. Everyone seems distant. We haven't spent much time together since we came back from our vacation. I kind of missed everyone being around it's been too quiet. I got startled because Zac came in.

"(Zac) Hey babe, I missed you."

"(Amelia) Who let you in?"

"(Zac) No, I missed you or maybe a kiss?"

"(Amelia) Don't answer my question with a question."

"(Zac) Fine your mom let me in, now can I have a kiss?"

"(Amelia) Sure babe."

Ever since our first night together I knew we had something special. He changed everything. Our kisses, as usual, were filled with lots of passion. He lit a fire inside me that I can't begin to explain.

"(Mother) Uhmmm Amelia, you should get dressed you don't want to be late."

"(Amelia) Yeah, uhmmm you're right actually, it's your fault though you let him in."

"(Zac) Don't blame this on me babe, I'll make you coffee and when I get back you better be dressed and ready to leave."

"(Amelia) Whatever, you know I'll be."

"(Zac) No, the Amelia I know takes her time on everything."

"(Amelia) Oh yeah who says I haven't changed?"

"(Zac) You haven't trust me."

"(Amelia) Oh yeah we'll see about that."

He left and I got dressed in black leather pants, a nice white top with gold mandala on, some boots and a leather jacket. He didn't exactly know about my change in clothing but he was about to find out. It kind of sort of was a surprise.

"(Zac) You better be dressed because I'm done with the coffee."

"(Amelia) And if I'm not?"

"(Zac) Then I'll have to come and help you get dressed."

"(Amelia) No need."

Once he came into the room and he saw me, he looked very puzzled.

"(Zac) Babe."

"(Amelia) Please tell me you like it."

"(Zac) I love it, when?"

"(Amelia) When we were on holiday, I decided I wanted a change. So that's how this came to be."

"(Zac) Babe you look gorgeous."

"(Amelia) Thanks, oh can I please have that coffee?"

"(Zac) Sure."

He handed me the coffee and I finished it in a hurry, didn't want to be late. The drive was quiet but the school not so much. We somehow became the power couple once we started posting photos of us together. You'd think people have better things to do with their time.

My day started pretty boring and only got interesting at lunch. We were now one big group so my friends and Zac's where there. I was enjoying his company but sadly had to get up for some juice.

I always find a way to forget the juice. So, I got one and head back to the table but what made this specific moment interesting was that there was a girl not only throwing herself at Zac but also sitting in my seat.

Why would she do that and why? Basically, everyone knows that Zac and I are together. Who gives her the right to try and steal my man? I gave Meg one look and switched to bitch mode.

"(Amelia) Care to explain what you're doing in my seat?"

"(Chloe) Oh, I'm Zac's ex from his previous school."

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