21: The threats

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It's been two months since she was kidnapped. I made sure to keep her close. I almost lost her.

We had the day off so we could sleep in. She laid there so peacefully. I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful face.

She must have noticed because she woke up and came to lie on my chest. I listened to her breathing.

"(Zac) Hey babe."

"(Amelia) Did you sleep well."

"(Zac) I did, I always do and you?"

"(Amelia) Yeah. Want some coffee?"

"(Zac_ That would be nice."

She got up and left to go and make coffee and I went to shower. When I got downstairs, she stood with her arms resting on the counter.

Once she saw me, she came closer. I opened my arms for her and she walked into my embrace.

The rest of the day was pretty boring. We spent the whole day just watching movies. I dozed off for a while and when I woke up, she was in the kitchen cleaning.

I walked over there and looked at her. She stepped closer and hugged me. I could feel her breathing on my neck.

"(Zac) You got to stop."

She leaned closer to my ear and whispered in it.

"(Amelia) Stop what?"

"(Zac) Stop breathing on me, stop whispering in my ear. Stop teasing me. It won't end well."

She seemed to stop and just laid her head on my shoulder. Damn her hair and everything smelled so good.

"(Zac) You smell so fucking good. Damn my craving for you is just getting stronger. It's like an endless hunger. I'm starving, maybe just a little taste."

She bit her lip, damn girl you're driving me nuts.

"(Zac) Stop."

"(Amelia) Stop what?"

"(Zac) Stop doing that."

"(Amelia) Doing what?"

My lips claimed hers but I had to pull away.

"(Amelia) Why'd you pull away?"

"(Zac) Because if I didn't ,I won't stop and that won't end well for both of us."

Our lips once again collided but pulling away seemed like a logical thing to do. I just had to process what was happening to me.

"(Amelia) You really want me to stop?"

"(Zac) Yeah."

"(Amelia) Well, your body says otherwise."

"(Zac) Doesn't matter please just stop, okay."

"(Amelia) You're very tense."

Her lips are so close to mine, damn.

"(Amelia) Why are you so tense?"

"(Zac) Don't worry."

When she kissed me, I stopped tensing?

"(Amelia) Fine I'll stop, if that's what you want. Is that what you want?"

"(Zac) Yeah, just please stop."

"(Amelia) Why'd you want me to stop?"

"(Zac) Because."

"(Amelia) Because...why?"

"(Zac) If I don't, I will rip your clothes off. You don't understand how much I want you right now."

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