18: Where am I?

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My head was pounding and my heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest.

Where was I? How did I even get here? Where is here? I got a fright when someone opened the door.

Who was that and why was my whole, body aching?

"(Kidnapper) So, are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way darling?"

"(Amelia) Where am I?"

"(Kidnapper) Doesn't matter."

"(Amelia) Who are you?"

"(Kidnapper) Stop changing the topic!"

"(Amelia) What topic?"

"(Kidnapper) Listen here don't play smart with me! We both know how that ended last time."

I was genuinely confused I really didn't know what was going on. How long have I been here? And why is it so dark inside this room?

"(Amelia) Can I please have some painkillers my bodies aching?"

"(Kidnapper) No, now to get to more important business. Where did Zac take the drug from the deal that he had to do for Hunter?"

"(Amelia) What are you talking about. What deal?"

"(Kidnapper) Wrong answer!"

I felt his fist connect with my body. And it hurt, it hurt a lot. What was he talking about?

"(Kidnapper) Where did he take the drugs!"

"(Amelia) I don't know, please he never mentioned anything to me."

"(Kidnapper) You know I don't quite think you understand! He must have said something and I have a feeling you're hiding something. So, you better tell me and tell me quick because your life depends on it darling!"

"(Amelia) I promise you I don't know anything, I swear."

His fist connected with my skin once again. I couldn't take this anymore my body couldn't take this anymore.

"(Amelia) Please stop you're hurting me."

"(Kidnapper) I'll hurt you as much as I want until I get the answer I want!"

"(Amelia) Please."

"(Kidnapper) Where's the drugs?"

"(Amelia) I really don't know."

This last punch was enough to send me tumbling to the ground. I fell over making my aching body hurt even more.

He left and I just laid there afraid to get up. I don't recognize my clothes, meaning there not mine and I'm covered in blood.

Every second felt like a lifetime had passed me. How long have I been here?

I dozed off but not for long. I got woken up by a bright light. I knew that light came from outside. I jumped up and ran to the nearest corner I could find.

"(Helper) It's okay I'm not going to hurt you."

"(Amelia) Stay away from me. I'm warning you don't you dare come near me!"

"(Helper) I really want to help you but you got to trust me on this one please."

"(Amelia) I rather not!"

"(Helper) I've got some food, water and clean clothes I'm sure you need it. You really look bad."

"(Amelia) I could use that. Could you leave so that I can dress please?"

"(Helper) I'll turn around, if I leave, they'll know I came here."

"(Amelia) Aren't you allowed?"

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