29: More secrets, why?

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I had to get up and go to school but how could I when my boyfriend was MIA and I ran into Ryan. We can all guess how that went.

I dragged my lazy ass out of bed and took a shower. The hot water took my mind off things. I didn't know how much longer I could do this.

Zac won't let me in and I keep getting into trouble even though I'm innocent. I've reached a point where I have to ask when enough is enough.

Anyway, I got out, dressed and went downstairs. I grabbed some coffee, my keys and my bag before going to school.

Upon opening the door, I saw Zac. He had bruised knuckles and a cut above his left eye. His right eye was slightly bruised.

"(Amelia) I, take it you're taking the day off."

"(Zac) Yeah, and I would love for you to join me."

"(Amelia) I can't, got a big test today. When I get home, we're going to talk. I want to know what's going on, and your going to tell me whether you want to or not."

"(Zac) Can we not do this today please."

"(Amelia) I don't care if you want to do this or not okay. We're going to talk end of the story. I'm done giving you space. Either we talk or we're done your choice."

"(Zac) You're not seriously going to leave me if I don't talk to you."

"(Amelia) I'm serious Zac I'm done being in the shadows."

"(Zac) Haven't you ever thought that you might be in the shadows for your own safety."

"(Amelia) Bye I love you. I'll see you later okay."

"(Zac) Stay please."

I turned around and left. Maybe going to school and not being around him for a while might do and him some good.

Gives us both time to think. Anyway, I met up with Meg before we went to class.

"(Meg) Hey girl, what's up?"

"(Amelia) Zac's been distant and MIA the whole weekend. And when I ask him what's going on he refuses to tell me."

"(Meg) Damn girl, what you going to do about it?"

"(Amelia) I told him that he has to tell me otherwise we're done. So, I hope he tells me because I don't really want to end things."

"(Meg) Don't you think that's taking things too far?"

"(Amelia) I have to do something to get him to talk to me."

"(Meg) I just hope you know what you're doing."

"(Amelia) To be honest I don't know. All I know is I'm tired of being in the shadows and getting trouble for something someone else did."

"(Meg) It's seems to me like you're having second thoughts about dating the bad boy."

"(Amelia) I'm not. It's just I can't be with someone that won't open up to me."

"(Meg) I get that but do me a favor and think things through before making a hasty decision."

"(Amelia) Yeah I'll do that."

Class was long and boring. Almost made me fall asleep since I've not been sleeping a lot recently.

Lunch was okay. Hailey and Ryland couldn't get enough of one another. Grey was nowhere to be found.

And the rest of the day was filled with the usual. On my way home I saw Ryan. I tried going the other way but Ryan caught up to me.

"(Ryan) Not so fast."

"(Amelia) Ryan please leave me alone I don't want anymore, trouble."

"(Ryan) Oh, but we're just going to have a quick chat."

"(Amelia) Let go of me!"

I pushed him away and ran for my life. I got in my car and left. I didn't want to be around him. How was I going to tell Zac what happened? He'd flip.

I got home and looked for Zac.

"(Amelia) Babe, where are you?"

I turned around when I felt his presence.

"(Zac) How was your day?"

"(Amelia) It was okay and yours?"

"(Zac) Okay I guess."

"(Amelia) Let's go and sit in the room and talk."

We went upstairs, he went and sat on the bed and I closed the door behind us.

"(Amelia) Okay so I'm going to cut straight to the chase. Why have you been so distant lately?"

"(Zac) Okay I'll tell you but you have to promise that you'll not get angry."

"(Amelia) I won't be. Please just tell me."

"(Zac) Okay so when I went away with friends, I got a phone call from Hunter."

"(Amelia) What did he want?"

"(Zac) He wanted me to do a drug deal."

"(Amelia) And did you do it or not?"

In my head I hoped that he would say no. I really hope so.

"(Zac) I... I did the deal."

"(Amelia) Why?"

"(Zac) Because if, I didn't he'd sent someone to hurt you."

"(Amelia) Were you ever planning on telling me?"

"(Zac) Eventually yes."

"(Amelia) You promised me that you were done and that things got sorted with Hunter so that he'd leave us alone."

"(Zac) Yeah, I know but with Hunter things are complicated. He keeps to his word for a while and then..."

"(Amelia) Stop right there."

"(Zac) I'm really sorry babe. I didn't mean to do it I was just scared. I was scared he would hurt you."

"(Amelia) I get that but please don't do it again. I don't want you to get hurt."

"(Zac) Now that, that's out of the way. Where'd you get those marks on your neck?"

"(Amelia) Ryan ran into me and said he had to send you a message."

"(Zac) When?"

"(Amelia) Yesterday."

"(Zac) If, I find him I'm going to kill him!"

"(Amelia) I didn't get angry when you told me about the gang activity. So don't get angry."

"(Zac) Fine."

"(Amelia) Promise me."

"(Zac) I'm not going to do that."

I hugged him so tight. His been keeping what's happened for so long it must have been so terrible.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling. Hailey and Ryland came back home.

"(Zac) Is she living here now?"

"(Ryland) No just visiting."

"(Hailey) I'm not intruding, am I?"

"(Amelia) No not at all. You guys should behave okay. Don't want to hear anything."

"(Ryland) Whatever Amelia."

I pulled Zac's arm and dragged him all the way to the room. He cupped my face and kissed me.

That kiss was filled with so much passion.

"(Zac) Promise me you'll never leave me."

"(Amelia) I promise Zacky. I love you too much to do that."

"(Zac) That fills my heart. I love you babe."

I fell asleep on his chest. It's the best feeling in the world.

I Promised ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora