9: Ryland

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"(Ryland) Come on babe let's go where going to be late."

"(Amelia) I'm almost done just a minute."

"(Ryland) Amelia Collins, you have 2 seconds to get out here or I'm coming to fetch you."

"(Amelia) No, I'll be there now I just need my shoes. Have you seen them?"

"(Ryland) That's it."

He came inside and scooped me up. I was really going to be done soon I just couldn't find my shoes. When he put me in the car, I realized he'd already grabbed them.

He's so thoughtful. I could have been done earlier if he had not let me sleep in.


I woke up startled by Zac. Did I just have a dream of Ryland and I when we went on holiday. Ever since he's been back this has been happening.

All the dreams, all the memories came flooding back. I tried to forget about him but now he's back.

I'm with Zac I know that but...no Amelia no but he loves you and you love him. Ryland is in the past.

"(Zac) Morning babe."

"(Amelia) Morning."

"(Zac) Coffee?"

"(Amelia) No let's stay in a little longer."

"(Zac) We can't."

"(Amelia) Why not?"

"(Zac) We have to go to school. Remember, the schools going to start asking questions."

"(Amelia) Fine I'll get ready then."

We both finished up and went downstairs. He put on the kettle and I sat there on the counter beside him.

He came to me and stood between my legs. We had a small staring contest before I cupped his face and kissed him.

Ryland was sweet whenever I kissed him but Zac damn, he was sweeter. We pulled back for air and he finished the coffee.

When he handed me my cup, I couldn't help but look at his lips. Damn those lips will be the end of me.

"(Zac) Should maybe consider drinking your coffee instead of looking at my lips."

He realized I looked at them. I gave him a cheeky look before biting my bottom lip. I know it drives him crazy.

"(Zac) Stop it."

"(Amelia) Stop what?"

"(Zac) Stop doing that, we're going to be late if we have to make out now."

"(Amelia) Says who?"

"(Zac) I say so. Shh and finish your coffee."

I did as he said and washed the cup before returning to the counter. I always finish my coffee before his, meaning I got a plan.

He walked to wash his cup but I pulled him to me. Our lips crashed and I felt the fire inside me growing but sadly things were interrupted by Ryland.

"(Ryland) Shouldn't you leave for school?"

"(Zac) Brother umm we were about to."

"(Ryland) Doesn't look like it."

"(Amelia) Are you jealous Ryland?"

"(Ryland) Of you two? Please I wouldn't be jealous of you paid me to be."

"(Zac) Come babe let's go."

Ryland gave me a look before leaving. Did he remember us being together or did he just do it to spite me?

The drive as usual was filled with music. When we arrived at school I mentally groaned. Couldn't this year just end already.

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