34: I'm done

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I woke up but Zac wasn't next to me. After telling him about the child I was expecting he'd storm off. And I haven't seen him since.

If I knew he was going to react that way I wouldn't have told him. It was about elven thirty when he came waltzing in with a bottle in his hand.

We were supposed to be responsible adults and handle this situation the right way and here he was drinking like a little child.

"(Amelia) Where were you?"

"(Zac) I was out with some friends."

"(Amelia) How much did you have to drink?"

"(Zac) Two or three bottles I don't know."

"(Amelia) Zac we're supposed to be responsible adults and handle this situation the right way but instead you choose to drown your sorrows in alcohol."

"(Zac) I'm sorry for living a little."

"(Amelia) You know I think it's best you go and sleep a while so that we can talk about this when you're sober."

"(Zac) Whatever pleases you."

So, he went to bed and woke up at about three. I gave him some headache tablets and we sat down.

"(Amelia) What are we going to do?"

"(Zac) We could always consider abortion."

"(Amelia) That's not an option."

"(Zac) So, what your saying is we should keep it, raise it and start a little family at the age of 18 almost 19?"

"(Amelia) That's not what I'm saying! I'm just saying abortion is cruel and I refuse to take a child's life. It's not the child's fault. This is our mistake and punishing the child for it isn't fair."

"(Zac) Well are you going to give it up in nine months, time? How are you going to go to school? How are you going to finish the year? How are you going to tell your parents? Are you ready to be a mother? I mean and this is just me being realistic."

"(Amelia) I don't know I only found out a few hours ago. I never thought of all those things. And no, I'm not ready to be a mother. I'm still in school, I don't have an income or funds to look after a child right now."

"(Zac) Exactly you don't know. Let me know when you do so that we can sort this out. That's my point Amelia you don't know whether you want to be a mother or not, so figure it out and let me know!"

"(Amelia) You know loving you is so hard sometimes. You make it so difficult especially when you act like a little child. Damn just own up to your mistake and help me figure this out!"

"(Zac) Oh, I'm a little child, says the one who doesn't have half the shit figured out yet. I do own up to my mistakes but this isn't mine alone!"

"(Amelia) I never said it was. I take full responsibility in the decision we made and in the situation we're in."

"(Zac) Loving me is hard, so if it's that hard then why don't you just leave!"

"(Amelia) You know what that's a great idea Zac best one this year. I'm done with this. I'm done getting shit from others because you fuck up, I'm done fighting with you and I'm done fighting against you. This was a mistake. You were a mistake, a big one that I wish I never made!"

"(Zac) Well, if that's how you feel then it's best you leave!"

I turned around and rushed downstairs grabbing Rylands car keys on the kitchen counter because I couldn't find mine and I had to leave. The tears were streaming down my face.

I loved him so much but I couldn't do this anymore. It got too much. When I got involved with him, I knew there would be rough times but I can't count the times I almost died due to him because there were to many.

Driving also became a challenge because all I could think about was all our memories. And the more I played it all through my mind the more tears came gushing out.

Ryland messaged me to ask me if I could pick him up from football practice since Zac wasn't picking him up.

When I stopped at school, he immediately asked me what was up.

"(Rylands) What's up Ame?"

"(Amelia) Zac and I aren't together anymore. It hurts it hurts so bad."

"(Rylands) Let me drive so that you can calm down."

I got out and into the passenger side. We took a drive down to the abandoned amusement park and sat one the shells.

Ryland sat listening to me while I explained what had happened. We sat there talking for an hour before getting back in the car and leaving.

Why couldn't I just forget him? Why couldn't I just erase his touch and the way he made me feel? Why'd I have to fall for him? Why'd I have to play with fire?

I wish they had never made that stupid bet then I wouldn't have been here. I wish I had never come to this school and I wish I never met him. I wish I never loved him or moved in with him.

To make things worse I was going to have to explain why I'm coming home and how I managed to get pregnant.

My parents are so going to kill me. Ryland and I went to my place. My parents weren't home yet which was perfect. I bought me time to get my story together.

I went and sat on the couch next to Ryland. He opened a bottle vodka. Just what I needed, I guess.

After finishing the whole bottle, I cleaned up. When I went to sit next to him again, he put his hand on my leg.

And I got up, went and sat on his lap and next thing you know we kissed. Things had gone way too far when he wanted to untie my bra.

"(Amelia) Ryland stop, I have to find Zac and apologize."

"(Ryland) Wait, what?"

"(Amelia) I'll explain later. I'm so sorry."

"(Ryland) How am I going to get home?"

"(Amelia) Phone Justin or someone to come and fetch you."

I grabbed Rylandrs ca keys and made my way to Zac. Tears once again filled my face as I thought of what I almost did.

I couldn't see where I was going and decided to clear my eyes out. I never realized that I had skipped the stop street.

That's when I heard the crash sound and found the car rolling over and over. I got thrown out of the car and landed square in the middle of the road.

This was it wasn't it. The final straw. I had cheated death far too many times so it came back for revenge.

All I could think of were the people I was going to leave behind before everything went dark.

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