12: I trusted you!

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I know I promised her but I couldn't just let this go. I had to find out who attacked her. She was sound asleep next to me. So, I got up, put my sweats on and grabbed a jacket. I had to pay an old friend a visit.

As soon as I left, I put the music on so loud to drown out all of the thoughts.

I pulled up to Hunter's hideout and asked the guys outside the door where he was.

"(Zac) Where's Hunter?"

"(Mac) Hello to you to Zac. Long time no, see."

"(Zac) Don't play around with me Mac!"

"(Mac) Why so angry?"

"(Zac) Give me an answer or I'll end you!"

"(Mac) Fine down the hall, geez!"

"(Zac) Who the fuck ordered her attack Hunter?"

"(Hunter) How should I know Zac I told you she'll get hurt if you don't do the deal."

"(Zac) Don't lie to me Hunter!"

"(Hunter) Fine, I did but she had it coming!"

"(Zac) If I ever catch you or one of your minions near her, I will make an example, we clear!"

"(Hunter) You don't have the guts!"

"(Zac) Don't try me!"

"(Hunter) Do the deal and this will all end."

"(Zac) How sure am I you're going to keep to your word?"

"(Hunter) You can trust me."

"(Zac) Who attacked her?"

"(Hunter) I can't tell you that."

"(Zac) Fine then I'll go around beating every single one of your men until I find out myself. Fuck with me and I fuck with you!"

"(Hunter) Now, now Zac don't get angry. You can't do that because you know the rules. You can't fall in love when involved in a gang because the loved ones always get hurt!"

"(Zac) Who attacked her Hunter!"

"(Mac) Hunter their looking for you in the back."

"(Zac) Why do you have a bandage around your hand?"

"(Mac) Got into a fight."

"(Zac) With who?"

"(Mac) Doesn't matter just some random."

"(Zac) Who was it? I'm going to ask you this once more and if I don't get an answer, I'm going to bash your face in because I'm going to assume you attacked her."

"(Mac) Attacked who?"

"(Zac) Was it him Hunter?"

"(Hunter) I told you I'm not saying a word!"

"(Zac) It was wasn't it. Take off that bandage!"

"(Mac) My hand hurts."

"(Zac) Do it now or I'm going to come over there and do it myself!"

"(Mac) Fine I got ordered to attack her. Almost killed her you know and it felt good when I sliced her neck and wrist."

"(Zac) You're going to be sorry you ever laid hands on her."

I saw red and before I knew it, I was on top of him. I couldn't get myself to stop. I just kept punching and punching.

All I could think of was that I almost lost her and that Mac was responsible.

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