4: Are we okay?

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Zac's pov

I got up before she woke up. I wanted to hit the gym or better yet the punching bags. I know we talked about everything and I'm so glad that she didn't leave me after finding out about the gang.

I showered and dressed in some gym clothes. I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and left. I reached the gym, showed my stuff into a locker and put on some gloves before heading over to the boxing bag.

I had so much anger built up in me. Hunter wouldn't let me split without doing some more fucked up shit. He threatened the most important person in my life. She keeps on disobeying me and doing what she wants. Why the fuck would she go to court? What if he remembered that it was her? What if Hunter got to her?

"(Alexis) If you hit any harder, you'll either screw up your wrists or the punching bag."

"(Zac) I honestly don't care right now as long as I get rid of this anger."

"(Alexis) Whoever did this really did a number on you."

"(Zac) Oh you're still here. I hoped you'd left by now."

"(Alexis) That's rude of you but it's okay I understand. Tough times. I'm Alexis by the way."

"(Zac) I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible. Will you please do me a favor and fuck off. You're annoying me."

"(Alexis) You call that nice? And I believe you own me a name."

"(Zac) Hi I'm Zac, happy now? Can, you please leave me alone. Is that nice enough for you to leave?"

"(Alexis) So how come I've never seen you around here?"

"(Zac) Look as much as I would like to have a conversation with you, I can't. I have a girlfriend that I love very much and don't want to lose."

"(Alexis) So you just came around to punch the bag because you're angry?"

"(Zac) Yes and you're point is?"

"(Alexis) I was just wondering because I mean you don't need the exercise, you're already hot enough."

"(Zac) Did you miss the part where I said I have a girlfriend?"

"(Alexis) No I just chose to ignore it."

I was about to swing when she stepped closer and it puzzled me, I'll admit. She had her fingertips graze my skin. How the hell am I supposed to keep control after that? I mean I don't want to hurt Amelia, I should just leave.

"(Alexis) Tense much."

"(Zac) Bless your delusional heart."

"(Alexis) Is it that delusional if I know that there's something you want or let me rephrase need?"

"(Zac) I have a girlfriend. Which reminds me I should probably get home to her."

"(Alexis) Avoiding my question I see."

"(Zac) I'm not avoiding you're question I'm just leaving to go home."

I made my way over to the locker to grab my things. When I turned around, she was behind me stepping closer. What does this girl want? Before I could leave, she tried to kiss me but I pushed her away. I loved Amelia and only Amelia and I'm not letting some girl get between us we just patched things up.

"(Zac) Get your hands off me and step aside before I fucking hurt you."

"(Alexis) She doesn't have to know it will be our little secret."

"(Zac) Get out of my way!"

She refused so I pushed her aside. I got into my car just as my phoned buzzed displaying Hunters name.

"(Zac) What the fuck do you want?"

"(Hunter) Watch you're tone Zac I wouldn't want to hurt your little princess. She's beautiful you know even when she's asleep."

"(Zac) Are you in my house?"

"(Hunter) Came to pay a visit to remind you I'm not fucking around. So, Zac tell me how was Alexis, I'm curious to know?"

"(Zac) I should have known you would pull that stunt. For your information I didn't fuck her so find out for yourself. I'm on my way home if you harm Amelia, I swear you'll regret ever living. I'll kill to keep her safe."

"(Hunter) We both know you can't kill me everyone will be after you and if you think I'm ruthless wait till you see the others. Don't threaten me Zac I've been nice so far but I don't mind playing dirty."

"(Zac) I'm on my way so leave her out of this."

I finally reached home and ran upstairs. When I got there, I stormed over to him but he grabbed her.

"(Hunter) Not another step."

I could see the fear in her eyes.

"(Zac) Let her go."

"(Hunter) You know her skins so soft and this shirt doesn't show enough. It not fair that only you get to see what's underneath it."

As he said that his hands moved up her leg. I snapped and fucked him up when his hand reached under her shirt. I saw red, I know she was yelling and screaming but I lost it. No one touches her but me.

"(Amelia) Zac babe please stop!"

"(Zac) Get the fuck out of my house if you ever lay a hand on her I swear I'll rip your head off your body and the same goes for everyone else I'm done talking and I'm done being a lap dog find a new one."

I rushed over to her grabbing her tight. I was relieved to see she was okay. Hunter rushed off and she helped me attend to my wounds.

"(Zac) I'm so fucking sorry that had to happen to you. I never wanted to involve you because I knew this would happen."

She kissed me and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"(Amelia) It's okay I'm fine. I'm in this with you because I choice to be. We'll sort this out together."

"(Zac) I love you, Amelia."

"(Amelia) I love you to Zac."

We spend the rest of the day not doing much. We were supposed to go to school but ended up skipping because of everything that happened thank goodness she's okay. Seems like trouble always finds it's way to us. I'll never understand why people would want to sabotage what we have. We're happy just leave us be seriously. We went to bed early today was too much.

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