41: Miracles do happen

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I woke up and rolled over. Her side looked so empty. Was she ever going to come back? Was she ever going to wake up? My mind was running in circles. I showered and went to visit her. She looked like an angel. So peaceful. I got up and went to get a coffee. The people took their time I mean who tells you that the coffee will take 10 minutes and only arrives 25 minutes later. When I got back to the room, I sat there talking to her.

"(Zac) I rolled over and saw your empty space. I so wish you would just wake up. I want to see your things lying around, I want to see you in my shirts, and I want to tease you again. I just want you to come home with me."

That's when I saw it one twitch followed by another and another. She was moving. But she stopped and I thought I was dreaming. I fell asleep but I couldn't help but hear a voice. At first, I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't. If I was dreaming, I would have remembered.

"(Amelia) Zac, where am I?"

"(Zac) Oh, thank the Lord. You're awake."

"(Amelia) Where am I?"

"(Zac) You're in hospital."

"(Amelia) Why?"

"(Zac) There was an accident."

"(Amelia) What accident?"

"(Zac) We drove into one another, causing you to sustain some injuries and ending up in hospital."

"(Amelia) That didn't happen."

"(Zac) Can't you remember?"

"(Amelia) Remember what?"

"(Zac) Okay so three months ago you found out that you were expecting. You came to me and told me and we had a fight because you wanted to keep the child. You didn't think it was fair to take an innocent child's life for our mistake we made. But I told you I didn't want to keep the child because we are too young to handle that big of a responsibility. You told me you couldn't do this anymore and I told you to leave then. So, you said this isn't working anymore so I told you I think it's better we end things then and you said yes you think so. We broke up, you left and I regretted my choice so I left to go and look for you. I wasn't paying attention to my speed and skipped a stop street like a reckless person. I felt the blow from our vehicles colliding, I was out for 10 min and you laid in the middle of the road. I got out and helped you, some old couple came and phoned the ambulance. Summary you went to emergency surgery and ended up in ICU for a month before spending the remainder of your time her in this ward. You were in a coma for three months."

"(Amelia) I lost the child, right?"

"(Zac) Yes, you did."

"(Amelia) And I've been here for three months?"

"(Zac) Yes babe."

"(Amelia) I heard you talking about how you told my parents everything."

"(Zac) Yeah, if we're going to be together forever, I need them to know who I really am."

"(Amelia) Forever?"

"(Zac) I want to marry you one day Amelia, I don't want to ever be with someone else. And before you feel overwhelmed, I'm not going to ask you to marry me now, I'll ask you when the time is right."

"(Amelia) Zac, I remember us breaking up. I don't want to do this anymore, were done Zac. There's no holding on to something that's complicated. I keep getting attacked and assaulted. It's not fair towards me. The gang will always be part of you and as long as I'm with you the shit won't stop."

"(Zac) I refuse to accept that. We're meant to be together. I know I hurt you in the past but I can fix that. I want to start a family with you, I want to buy a house with you, I want to wake up next to you every single morning."

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