8: He hurt you and you kept quiet

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Zac's pov

We've been so busy moving Ryland's things in that I forgot to sleep. I felt like death not going to lie, I could really do with some sleep. But there's too much that needs to be done so sleeping will have to wait.

I went upstairs to shower and change before moving the rest of the things. She looked so peaceful. Just like an angel.

"(Amelia) Zac."

"(Zac) Babe I didn't mean to wake you."

"(Amelia) It's okay. You didn't come to bed."

"(Zac) I know I'm sorry we're just so busy."

"(Amelia) Can you lie down for a few minutes?"

"(Zac) I'm almost done then we can cuddle I promise."

"(Amelia) Fine whatever."

I finished up and Ryland said he would stay to unpack so long. So, I went and got the last things.

As soon as I stop to load the last things, I realize Hunter's phoning.

"(Zac) What do you want?"

"(Hunter) You know she has a very soft skin. It would be a shame if she got hurt."

"(Zac) What did you say?"

"(Hunter) You heard me."

"(Zac) Did you touch my girl?"

"(Hunter) Everywhere. You're a lucky man Zac but not for long."

That's why she went stiff when I touched her the other day. It was because Hunter had paid her a visit.

"(Zac) You stay the fuck away from her you hear me!"

"(Hunter) And if I don't want to?"

"(Zac) I swear Hunter if I find you, you're going to be sorry!"

"(Hunter) Oh, I doubt that. Better look after her. My men are hunger for some fresh meat."

He ended the call. His words scared me. Just knowing that she wasn't safe made me feel guilty. It was my fault he touched her because I wasn't there when I had to be.

Instead, I lied to her about phone calls and fought with her for no reason. She could have been dead because of me.

I packed the last things as fast as I could I had to get to her. Once I got home, I unloaded the things and went to check on her.

She was still lying-in bed. I closed the door picked her up and put her on her feet. Then I examined her whole body for marks.

If I had to find one Hunter would be so sorry. he ever laid hands on her or lived for that matter.

"(Amelia) Babe, stop."

"(Zac) Hunter touched you. Why didn't you tell me?"

"(Amelia) I was scared. He made me keep quiet."

"(Zac) Are you okay. This is all my fault I should have never involved you."

"(Amelia) It's okay. In the mean time I've got plans."

"(Zac) What plans?"

"(Amelia) With you."

She drives me crazy whenever she bits her bottom lip. I couldn't handle it. It made me forget everything.

Next thing I know she pushes me back till I land on the bed. This girl was crazy but that's why I loved her.

"(Zac) Babe?"

"(Amelia) Hush my turn."

She took off my shirt and kissed my lower stomach before straddling me. Her lips placed soft kisses everywhere and made my skin burn.

Desire was burning in her eyes. I could see it and that's what made this situation so scary.

She moved her lips to my neck and from there up to my jawline. She shouldn't play with fire it burns. Our bodies were moving at the same pace and that cheeky grin she gave me said everything.

She was up to mischief, testing every boundary I had. Her hands moved up and down my whole body. Next thing I knew I was begging her to stop teasing me.

She wanted to kiss me but her lips lingered over mine. Everything in me screamed stop it and kiss me.

I cupped her face and kissed her so hard. My tongue moved over her lips and begged for entrance to her mouth.

She wasn't hesitant to grant it. We were full on making out. How'd I ever allow her to take control? I never used to be so weak around girl's but yet I let her take lead.

Things were getting intense when the door opened. It was Ryland on the other side. Fuck me why did he have to go and ruin the moment.

"(Ryland) Is now a bad time?"

"(Zac) No don't worry about it."

"(Ryland) I feel like it is because I interrupted something."

"(Zac) It's really okay. What do you need?"

"(Ryland) Some help moving the furniture in."

"(Zac) Sure, no problem."

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and whispered later before leaving.

She kind of looked disappointed but I'd make up for it. Moving the things didn't take that long.

I soon returned to her and she looked scared. What was up? When I came closer, she jumped up.

"(Zac) Babe what's going on."

"(Amelia) Nothing don't worry."

"(Zac) Why would you keep quiet?"

"(Amelia) About?"

"(Zac) About Hunter?"

"(Amelia) I had no choice. I knew you would do something."

"(Zac) Would it really be that bad?"

"(Amelia) I guess not."

"(Zac) Amelia Collins I'd do anything and everything in my power to protect you. I would give my life to make sure you're okay. No one else matters to me. Do you hear me no one else matters."

"(Amelia) I know but that's the thing Zac. I don't want you to have to die for me."

"(Zac) But I would if it meant you could be safe."

"(Amelia) Can we not do this right now."

"(Zac) When then Amelia? I care about you and to shove this aside isn't going to make it go away."

"(Amelia) Anytime but now Zac, I'm tired of fighting with you."

"(Zac) Then don't and tell me if something happens."

"(Amelia) I can't!"

"(Zac) Why is it so difficult for you?"

"(Amelia) Because I was taught to keep my mouth shut throughout my whole life it's been expected of me!"

"(Zac) Let me help you change that Amelia you don't have to be scared to say something. Just say it!"

"(Amelia) Can we stop yelling?"

"(Zac) You know what since you don't trust me enough to share things with me, I'd rather leave."

"(Amelia) Zac please."

I had to leave. It felt like my hurt got stabbed with a knife. I grabbed my keys. The only place I wanted to go was the tracks.

I was about to leave but then I remembered that Ryland wouldn't be able to protect her and she needed me. Hunter was out for her blood.

I ran up the stairs, opened the door, spun her around and kissed her.

"(Zac) You can hate me if you want but I'll never ever leave you alone. You are mine and I'll protect you to the end of my days. Forever I promise you that, forever Collins. Deal with it you're stuck with me."

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