"Hi There..."

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Demi's POV

I was sat at a bench watching the countless number of people walk by. They were all on their phones or talking with a friend, or simply rushing past to go to their next destination, wherever that was going to be. For right now, I just sat back in relaxation, enjoying a little free time watching back at all the people endure their own stress right in front of me. From the corner of my eye, I had seen someone take the spot next to me. But it didn't bother me as I stared at an insect crawling along a spot around my feet.


I looked up, now face to face with the person that had sat next to me; surprised to see him smiling at me.

"Hi." he said.


"You're beautiful- I mean, uh okay. What I meant to say is that, I'm a photographer, and I like to take pictures, and I was wondering if you'd be my model."

I gave him a look and his eyes widened, "Oh gosh. That sounded terrible, didn't it? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I mean, I'm in a photography class and we need to take photos of people." He continued to explain, turning as red as a cherry.

Despite his sketchy proposal, something about this stranger was somehow just so trusting and appealing.

"Sure. I'll be your model. But I'd like to at least know your name."
I watched as he smiled, and the tension in his face relax a little.

"It's Justin."

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