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Master named me Blue, after his favorite color. He dyed my hair blue, and made me wear blue every day. He was obsessed with blue. 

I hate the color blue. I hate everything about it. The color is too sad, and each day I drown in it. I barely see any other color, and my dark skin seems to have a blue tint to it. 

A lady came in one day. She was dressed in such pretty colors. She called the colors red and orange. She took me away from Master and told me that he would be in a better place, where he could think normally again.

I never really cared for her or Master, honestly. The only thing I remember about her is that she showed me the rainbow. 

After giving me colors, like yellow, green, and purple, she took me to a place where I was with other people like me. I still remember how it felt to be passed from her hand into the arms of someone my size. 

Him, I remember. I'll always remember him. 

He showed me how to fly. The first time I used my wings. The feeling was amazing, and I was angry that Master had clipped my feathers. 

I felt free. So free. 

I fly almost everyday now, and help teach others like me how to feel as free as I do.

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