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Rome ran as fast as he could. 

He had to get away from them. From the faes. 

Rome looked over his shoulder. Big mistake. The faes were gaining on him, a fierce looking female in the lead.

Faes, tiny little humanoid creatures, were extremely dangerous. They were always in large groups, and equipped with weapons, even fae children have their own daggers. They are also not harmed by falling from any height, poison, and had extreme strength. Faes were also very smart and social, and are always one step further from the humans in their plots to kill them.

The female, she didn't seem to be the leader, but a male right behind her seemed to take charge, and the two looked similar, like brother and sister. 

 "Surrender now, human. Your suffering will end sooner this way. It is not our way to torture, unlike your disgusting species." One hissed. 

 "You're never gonna make it!" Another sneered as they gained on him.

 And then Rome tripped. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, awaiting for his death. He felt a tiny hand on his face, but kept his eyes closed. 

 "What shall we do with him, Julia?" A male voice asked. 

 "We should not kill him, at least for now. He could be of great help repairing the damage that he has done." Said a female, Rome presumed as Julia. Her voice sounded closer than the male fae's voice did.

 "Human, open your eyes. Now." Rome did as told, not wanting to be harmed. 

 "Get up." Rome slowly got up, clutching his head as it throbbed.

 "Follow us. If you try to run away, we will give you no mercy. Consider this your only warning, human." Rome dragged his feet while following the tiny warriors, in the back of his mind wishing that he could just kick them away like weeds. 

Julia would have said something about the human's dragging feet, but she pitied him enough to stay quiet. When they arrived at the camp, Julia turned to the the human prisoner.

 "Do you have anything to say for what you've done?"

 Rome shrugged, looking guilty. Julia bristled, her anger beginning to show.

 "Don't just shrug me off!! Answer my question!!" Julia snapped .

 "I... I... errr... um... Sorry?" Rome  mumbled, with a hint of resent in his voice. This was his second mistake. This threw the whole village into an outrage, and a few things were chucked at his face. Rome sat down with a huff, shaking the tiny crowd.

 "Look, I'm sorry, okay? It's not really my fault that I was curious about the people who killed my little brother, is it? Part of the damage to your town was an accident, and I guess I got a little mad, too, since you guys murdered my little brother." Julia bit her lip and looked at her own brother. He met her eye and nodded at her, confirming that he and his troop and killed a little boy who looked much like the human in front of them. Julia sniffled a bit, before turning to the prisoner.

 "I apologize for what my people have done... May your brother rest peacefully and be among the stars in heaven... I and my people will properly bury your sibling tomorrow... What is your name, human?"

 "Rome. And I'm sorry for what... my people and I have that to you guys, too."

 "Apology excepted. After you have fixed the damage done, you may go unharmed and free." This caused a few gasps and angry whispers to go around.

 "But--" An angry fae started.

 "No! He will be free, under my wish. What would my father, the General, say?" All was quiet. 

 "Thank you..." Rome said quietly. "Thank you."

 And with a sly smile, he added, "Tiny is mighty, I guess." Laughter and cheers rang out. 

Rome was forgiven a little bit.

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