Merry Christmas Faulkersons! (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Aycee: *grins* Spin Daddy!

R: *tightens his hold on his daughter and started spinning*

Aycee: Wheeee! *arms spread out and laughing*

R: *looks at M, laughing*

M: Enough na Daddy, Aycee might get dizzy. *holds R's arm to slow him down*

Seb: Me, me, me! *pulls R's arm anew*

R: *puts Aycee carefully on the ground* Sebby's turn next.

Seb: Yes Daddy! *jumps into his father's arms*

R: *laugh* Hold tight! *starts spinning*

Seb: Daddddyyyyyy!! *head thrown back and laughing*

Sieg: My turn Daddy! My turn! *jumping up and down*

R: *slowly puts Sebby on the grass while laughing*

Sieg: Airplane Daddy!

R: *lifts Sieggy on his shoulders* Ready?

Sieg: Ready Daddy! *spreads his arms like the wings of an airplane*

R: *makes airplane sounds and starts running and spinning* whoooshh.. zooom.. whiiiiinggg!!

Sieg: Faster Daddy faster! Wheeee!! I'm an airplane!

M: Tama na Daddy baka sumuka. Sieggy enough na you might get sick.

R: *gently settles Sieg on the grass and sees Aycee, Seb and now Sieg running around looking at the lights on their fence and wall* Hahaha! Ma, tingnan mo mga anak mo. Taon taon naman meron tayo nyan but they still get fascinated every time.

M: *smiles looking at their children* In the eyes of a child..

Chuchay: Dada..Dada! *reaches out her tiny hands to R* Payn! Eegooo! (Plane, fly fly! Let's go!) stretches more to R* Dada!

R: You want to fly too? Come to Dada *takes C in his arms*

M: Daddy mahulog ha..

R: Mommy naman sa anim na anak natin may nahulog ba ko kahit isa dyan. Ikaw nga itong nalusutan ni Thirdy nun muntik ng mahulog kasi nakatulog ka. *chuckles*

M: Sige paalala mo pa! Hanggang ngayon dala ko yung guilt nun. *pouts*

R: Ma, tagal na nun, si Thirdy palang baby natin that time, on the way palang si Theo. *kisses M's lips* saka di naman nahulog nahawakan mo sa paa. *turns to Chuchay* Let's fly! *sits C high on his shoulders holding her hands firmly* Ready for take off Captain Charmaine, whooosh! *started running around the garden laughingly chasing the other kids*

M: *laughs at the wonderful scene laid out in front of her with her husband playing with four of their children* Daddy ingat ha, madapa ka!

Theo: *approaches from behind M grasping her hand* Mom, Lola Pepe said to come in, the christmas tree is ready.

M: Oh! *looks at Theo* you surprised me anak I didn't even hear you come near. The tree is clean and ready?

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