Chapter 21 (The End)

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Simons POV,

Well... you're wondering what happened.

What happened to all of us.

We managed to carry Vik, carry Vik through the halls, Ethan with him every step of the way as he hadn't used his legs in what, a month of us being there. Him just being completely hooked and strapped down in a wheel chair.

I was terrified, we ran through the many halls, trying to find an exit, or something. Something for us to get out. Out of that hell.

Doctors cornered us. But we managed to go past them. Managed to get through them.

We ran to the exit, Tobi having a knife that he managed to take from the lunch and threatened the receptionist, which had no power over us, so we ended up calling his brother Manny, to pick us up.

And he did.

He was outside. The doors were all locked. And yet we managed to smash the windows, and get out.

We escaped.

We successfully escaped.

Manny looked horrified when he saw how many of us where there, and how everyone was bruised, and battered, and shaking from the fear and adrenaline that them people put us through.

He noticed the bruises on everyone.

And he instantly knew we did the right thing.

They haven't put up a search warrant for us, as it would expose the horrible treatments that facility enforced on patients. It's a mental institution for the doctors and people who run it, not for the patients.

Harry is doing okay I think, his little brother Josh never got into the drugs. He apparently hid away from everyone, his dad, buying himself food whilst watching his sister high on everything but life be tournamented with addiction. Harry I believe now bought a small house for him and his brother to stay in, trying to get custody over his brother to keep him in a safe environment, away from his farther.

JJ I think is back on opium, he hides it though, doesn't really do it as much as he does, he spends his life with family, his family believing that he is clean. So they spend as much time as possible with one another. Them accepting him and bringing him in. And being a family again. Which is good, because that's the only reason why he wanted to stay was to see his mum again, and be apart of something other than a druggie.

I hope Ethan's alright.

As soon as Ethan went to his house again, we never heard anything from him, he never answers any texts, phone calls. It's like he is a ghost. And he either isolated himself in his house. Or he's killed himself from not being able to handle the brutality of the institution. I guess it reminding him a lot like when he was bullied and picked on. And why he went in that place in the first place was to get better. But if anything he only got worse. And worse.

Vik is getting his mental health checked out more closely, and having proper help this time. He's getting helped by professionals, and his mother is with him every step of the way. He was so weak he could only walk a few steps, and I mean now he is apparently doing really well. Walking, slowly gaining more weight as the few weeks have passed on. He hugged his Mother when he saw her on the doorstep, and she hugged him tightly as he pretty much fell into her arms as he was being held upright by Harry and Tobi.

And when she heard what they did to us she forgave us for escaping.

I keep in good contact with Vik.

As well as Tobi.

Although we have to keep our contact on the downlow. As he is back with Joe again. His abusive partner. When his partner heard what happened to him, he apologised, and he didn't think it was that bad to the point he would try to kill himself, even though he knew how bad Tobi was and how he cut himself because of him.

He was apparently okay for the first few weeks, but now, he's starting to get possessive again, he isn't allowed to go out the house much more now, and he isn't really allowed his phone without Joe being able to see completely what is happening. But when I do talk to Tobi. It's past 2am and we always delete our messages to each other so Joe can never know if he is texting me.

He was the one that saved me.

Saved me from Fran.


She has stayed with me. But she's not as bad anymore. She whispers things in my head, but not as constant as before. I don't see her often. But I always hear her, every day. But I try to block her out. Her tourmenting ways always managing to seep through the cracks of my brain and crawl to my heart. And damaging it still all the time, constantly damaging.

It hurts sometimes.

It hurts a lot of the times.

But I haven't hurt myself. I don't want to. Don't want to deal with this pain. This torture of her manipulation. I will not fail again, not for anyone, not for her by any means.

"Here's your coffee." I heard his voice ring through my ears, I murmured a quick thanks. Before sighing. Seeing him sit down in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. Smiling gently, and placing his hand on mine gently. "Never better Josh." I smile back. Before leaning in and pecking him on the lips. Him kissing me back briefly. Before smiling as I leaned away from him and sat down in my space.

"Aren't you a sweetheart." Josh sighed. Before taking a sip of his coke, him never having coffee before. "Could say the same for you." I smile. Before taking a sip.

Josh managed to get away with everything.

There is no file to say he actually killed his parents. And he can manipulate people to make anything out of everything. And his acting is beautiful. I think he has MPD along with an Alcohol problem.

The police are in no line to question him. And everyone has said they would stay quiet about him. And say the reason he went in (if asked.) Was because of his suicide and alcohol problem. He blames his attempt on finding his parents dead. He said he never phoned the police because he didn't want to be found, and be saved.

And they believed him.

I guess they're pretty stupid police, but it worked.

And now me and him are seeing each other. Kind of.

I look outside the window of the café, seeing the sky starting to set, the beautiful pink, orange and dark red clouds where plastered against the deep blue sky. They were deep colours. Contrasting with the blue and defined beautifully.


Wow, how freedom felt amazing.

I know this was long overdue, and I'm sorry, but I've been so focused on writing on my main account and my GCSE's I've been quite, yeah, stuck. But thank you fo sticking by us.

I hope you enjoyed this book and the ending of it.

We both love you guys x
Sammie xx
PoJayneBartaby x

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