.Chapter 2.

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Viks POV

The guy in the straight jacket was forcefully sat in a chair right next to me, I felt myself tense. How couldn't tense next to someone who is wearing a straight jacket?! 2 nurses stood behind the guy, hands behind their backs. Jason stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them as a source of comfort.

"Why are we fucking here?!" The dark toned guy with the still bloodshot eyes asked, his tone slightly agitated. "I know you all have questions, mostly that question, but all of them will be answered once your counsellor arrives." Jason says calmly. I looked at all the people who arrived, most of them in their own little world. The guy with the blue jumper was staring at something, a panic expression plastered upon his face. His gaze was directed at the dark skinned guys leg. Yes, it sound odd, but his leg was bouncing up and down, he looked very uneasy.

The guy with the blonde hair styled into a quiff, was aimlessly looking around, but I'm not sure why. Probably out if boredom. The dark skinned guy was, as you know, bouncing his leg up and down, but was also clenching his fists from time to time. The dark skinned guy with a snapback was staring at his arms, examining each individual cut that was littered on his arm.

The guy with a rope burn upon his neck was looking at everyone as well but somehow didn't look at me. Am I not pretty enough to look? The others seem to take notice of me, but he doesn't? I felt the tears rim my eyes but I fought them back. I cannot show weakness right now. The guy in the straight jacket, well he was trying to get out of it, but he couldn't, he just struggled. Its pretty pointless, but he look determined to get out like one of those magicians.

"How long does he want to fucking take?!" The dark skinned guy outburst, standing up at the same time, his fist clenched. The 2 guys that stood behind the the straight jacket guy ran towards him and sat him down, grabbed the guys arms and handcuffed them. "Is that even necessary?!" He shouted, trying to get out if the handcuffs. "Until you calm down they will be taken off. You might act differently due to what you were doing beforehand." One of the nurses stated. They forcefully pushed him into his chair and he sighed.

The door abruptly opened and we all directed our gaze to the guy in a long white doctors jacket, clipboard and pen in hand. "I am Dr Smith and I'll be your counsellor for your sessions for as long as possible." He stated as he walked to our little circle we have created. "As you know, you have been put into a group with complete stranger that, well, you don't really see in your day to day life. Since you are all oblivious to whom you are sitting in a room with, I think todays session should be about introducing each other." He continued. He grabbed a chair and placed it in the middle of the circle and sat down.

"Lets do this in alphabetical order, shall we?" He muttered to himself as he looked at his clipboard. "When I say your name, stand up, say your full name and tell us why you are here, and if you are comfortable, tell people about your mental illness." Dr Smith stated. God this sounds like I'm in a rehab group.

He cleared his throat, "Ethan?"He questioned, looking at all of us.

The guy with rope imprint on his neck stood up. "Ethan Payne, tried killing myself due to events. And I have Bi Polar Disorder." He stated and sat back down. Dr Smith wrote something on the clipboard, like he was taking notes about us.

"Harry?" The guy in the blue jumper stood up.

"Uhm, H-Harry L-Lewis.., uhm t-threatening my d-dad and s-sister w-with a k-knife, b-because they m-made m-me r-really a-anxious. I-I uhm, I..." Harry stuttered. "Take a deep breath Harry. You don't have to say what your mental illness is." Dr Smith said calmly. Harry started breathing heavily and placed his hand upon his chest. "Pills..." His voice sounding vulnerable and hoarse. Jason ran towards Harry and grabbed something out of his pocket, a container full of pills. He gave one to Harry and he instantly took it. "Would you want me to tell them what you have, so you don't have a severe panic attack?" I could vaguely hear Jason say. Harry nodded vigorously as his breathing started to slow down. "Harry suffers from really bad anxiety. When he gets extremely anxious, he has mild panic attacks which then makes him do things that he is unawake of, until he full on panics." Jason states before walking back behind me.

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