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An addictive substance used for medical purposes or used illegally for own purposes


Olajide's POV

I chucked the needle across the table, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel the addictive drug course throughout my body. I open my eyes and let out a little laugh. "Wow that felt good!" I shout, as I remove the belt that was buckled on my upper arm tightly. I clenched my fist and smile. I moved my head backwards, and in take a lot of oxygen.

I let out a breath and got off of the chair I was sitting in. I grabbed the used needle from the table, and placed it in the bin. I look around my room and sigh. This house is so empty. I rarely leave my room, so there isn't really any point in getting anything else to place in the house. Plus the remaining money I have left won't pay for anything to be honest.

Leaving alone is difficult, especially when the remaining money you have left can only get you, I don't know, a sausage roll from Greggs (if you do not know what Greggs is, search it up. great sausage rolls).

You'd think, JJ, if you find it difficult to live alone, go back home, be with your parents and Deji. Ask to borrow money for your wellbeing. Blah blah blah....

Well... I can't.

You see, they don't like the fact I take drugs. The day they found out, they kicked me out of the house. They gave me money to find myself a place, as they didn't want me to live on the streets, but they told me to come back once I've gone to rehab and got over my drug addiction. And as you can see, I haven't. I'm still loathing in an empty house, injecting heroine, snorting cocaine, you name it, I've done it.

I'm surprised I haven't died to how much drugs I've injected/ consumed into my body. I feel fine. But in the long run, I'm pretty much going to shut down and never do anything again. But lets not focus on that at all.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm just a full on disappointment towards my family. I was never like this. As a kid, I was an introvert, preferred staying in my room, playing in my room, avoiding people at all costs. But once I started opening up to people, I started becoming popular. Not because of who I am or who I was as a person, no. Because of the people I was hanging out with at the time. From year 9, I started hanging out with the 'popular' group, who didn't give two shits about school, who broke rules, back chatted to teachers, started smoking and taking drugs.

I was doing all of that except the smoking and drug usage. I was against, as I generally thought, what was the point. Like you are pretty much shortening your life span, but it was their choice. After a while, 'my friends' persuaded me to try it out at least, and so I did. I smoked once, and to be honest, I would never go back too.

Yes, it relieved stress and all that, but it genuinely didn't really appeal to me at all. Drugs, on the other hand, did. Drugs are worst that smoking, I'll admit that. But the sensation you get when the drug surges throughout your body. Its much better than inhaling and exhaling toxins from a little cylinder object.

It was at a gathering when I first took drugs. We were hanging at a guy named 'Jake's' house, music blasting, a joint being passed around and lines of cocaine around. Also bare in mind that we were drunk out of our minds. A lot of Absolut Vodka, Jack Daniel's Whiskey, Malibu and many others. Jake persuaded me to try and so I did. I didn't know what I was doing at all. But once the cocaine hit me, I instantly loved the sensation I felt. I was ecstatic.

The only thing I remembered from that night was that drugs were amazing and that I should tone down on how much alcohol I have.

Well thats how I got into drugs and what my parents, plus Deji think of my habit.

I shake my head as I thought about my family and let out I sigh. "I did this to myself..." I muttered as I let out a sigh and made my way to my bedroom. Once I was in m bedroom, I grabbed my backpack that was leaning against the bottom of my bed. I unzipped it and took out a bag of cocaine I bought the other day.

I grabbed the razor blade I use to space out the amount of cocaine I take, and go back downstairs. I placed the bag and blade onto the table. Another intake of drugs wouldn't harm.

Never speak too soon.

As I remember after that was a doctor talking to me about an overdose. I guess I took too much. That I had a choice of going to rehab or go to a mental asylum. Both sounding horrible, so I was like, fuck it, you choose. Depending on my mental state, you choose.

And he choose the Asylum.


Sup people of the interwebs,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you liked this chapter vote and comment. Hope you have a great day, and I'll see you soon!

PoJayneBartaby x

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