.Chapter 9.

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Simons POV,

I laughed as soon as he said that, not in an arrogant or mean way, but in a kind of calming way. Before sighing.

"Well, urm, I don't really know anything that doesn't have Fran in the picture, I think it's because she trained my mind in believing she was always there, in family photos I see her in the background or next to me and when I'm in a room with my mum she'd pretend to beat me, as well as my mum, I remembered her being so sweet, nice, caring.. And then we had an argument, she lashes out,started hitting me, on my chest, slaps on my face, kicks in my ribs, it got really powerful, emotionally draining.

Every time is come home from maybe going out or anything than she'd always be there, following, harming me, I don't know, my brother says that he's witnessed me strangling myself, punching my chest, screaming at nothing, and.. Pulling urm, knives up to my neck." I whisper the last bit, confused, "I was always confused as to why he'd lie to me, it wasn't no one I was screaming at, who pulled a knife up to my neck, it was her, I mean, I know when I cause myself pain. I even tested it myself."  I say to Tobi, he furrowed his eyebrows, intrigued on what I was about to do next.

I moved to the edge of the bed and rolled my sleeve up, revealing two completely different looking cuts. "You see I tried it myself, the first time. It hurt me, a lot." I pointed to the neat scar that used to have blood pouring out of it: "And then that was when she pushed me into the bathroom, kicked me down and grabbed her famous knife, and stabbed into my wrist. That's why it looks jaggered." I whisper and Tobi instantly cringes when he sees scars on another person.

"I'm not being rude, but I think the reason why the second one is more jaggered and ripped is because you couldn't bear the pain, the second time you cut is the worst. And like, it hurt me a lot, look." He says. I look and see the second one was more jaggered.

I look down at his wrist and he points to the first two cuts he ever laid on his skin, the second one, "if you can see, is more jaggered then any of these." He tells me. It was true. It was more untidy and looked more forced. "That doesn't prove anything, I saw her grab the blade and stab it in my skin, before dragging it. It hurt, so much." "Or was it just you wanting to think it's real, because you couldn't take her anymore?" He asks, I just sigh, and look down, at my wrist. I felt my eyes tearing up. "imagine having someone constantly telling you that they are real, and that you don't deserve anything the world brings to you." I whisper, looking down.

"Trust me. I don't have to imagine. I haven't been told that they are real, but I've been told I'm not worth... Anything, by the one I love the most. I mean. Just think about the person you adore the most, hating, wanting to kill you, wanting you to kill yourself, because you are not good enough for them. I know.. It hurts us a lot." He whispers. I felt my heart crack a bit, he sounded so Brocken whilst saying that, unable to think or feel any other emotion than sadness.

"I'm sorry. Tobi." I say, and he just looks down. "I guess it's better that I'm away from him." He says, smiling slightly. Leaning back on the wall of his bed again, facing me. "We had so many fun memories Together, buying icecream, playing football together, falling in a river and having a water fight." He says, it made me smile. They sounded like cute memories, fun memories, just like he said.

"Where did it all go wrong?"

JJ's POV //The next day//

I gripped my nails into my hand tightly. Craving, gagging, for just a cigarette, an injection of the beautiful drug. Anything. Anything that can make my mind at ease.

I looked down at my veins, they where popping out, pulsating, a dark bluely purple colour. I looked over at Ethan and saw he was in a sad mood. He wasn't happy, at all.

"Do you think they have put us all in the same rooms? Like Vik with Harry, Tobi with Simon and Josh?" I ask, trying to take both our minds off of the things we really crave. A blade and a cigarette.

"I don't know, maybe. But why would they room Josh with any of us? It's a risk of him killing us if he gets too angry." Ethan tells me. I just shrug.

I see the women come in and she tells us to go to the hall, we both just sigh before standing up. Ethan's rope burns are starting to heal slightly, but it's still red, and it's scarring, badly.

I get up and walk to the door, Ethan going out of the room first. But I leaned back on the door frame, my arms crossed. "I don't want to go today." I say, and she rolls her eyes. "Leave the room, now please." She says, I shake my head.

She suddenly pushed me out the door, before shutting it and then locking. "If you don't move I'll put you in the institution unit." She says. I just roll my eyes. How are they aloud to treat someone like utter shit? "Come on JJ, there's no point fighting." He says. I just sighed before heading down to the therapy room.

I walked in and see that Vik was here now, and Josh, Vik looked so, scared, sad, annoyed. I felt bad for him. He is hurting, properly, he doesn't want this, but in he same science it's best for him. Really, good for him.

He was sat next to Harry, who was holding Viks hand, telling him how sorry he was, I just sighed, Vik was just staring, at the floor in what seemed as sadness. I felt bad. Really bad.

But why?
I hope you guys enjoy it, Mysterious Creatures will be published sometimes in the holidays because it's the end chapter and it's gunna be really long!

Love you allXxX

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