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Anorexia nervosa is a potentially life-threatening eating disorder. It is a serious psychological disorder characterized by either a significantly reduced appetite or complete aversion to eating.

Vikks POV,

I stare at the scale, the scales that control my emotions, the scales that tell me if I'm pretty.

"109Lbs FOR GOD SAKE!" I scream and kick the scale. Before leaning against the mirror, sobs escaping my lips. "Why can't I just be pretty." I whisper, tears rolling down my cheeks as I moved away from the mirror.

I examined myself, staring, staring at the worthlessness of a human that was right I front of me, staring at the most disgusting person I've ever seen.


As I stared at myself, I felt myself go dizzy, I just shook my head. Hoping the dizziness would disappear. Luckily it did.

I trailed my fingers down my ribs, feeling the caved in ribs stand out sharp, but not as sharp as I wanted, I wanted them to stand up more. I wanted to make myself look pretty. I want to look normal.

But what I didn't realise was.

This is far away from normal.

A wave of dizziness overpowers me again, and I sigh, deciding on going to the kitchen. I ran downstairs and grabbed a paracetamol and some water. I was scared the tablet would even gain me weight, but I couldn't stand the dizziness.

I took the tablet and sighed, kick in please. I can't stand being dizzy, it hurts my head. I walk back upstairs, feeling somewhat weaker than before. I walked into my room and locked the door. I never unlock the door. Unless I'm getting something, I'm too self conscious of my mum walking in and finding me with my shirt off, seeing my body.

I sigh and flop on my bed, I could feel my body eating itself, slowly, it was almost painful, but made me somewhat happy, I heard my mum knocking on the door. I tried getting up, but I couldn't. I felt too weak. And I only ran 20 seconds ago.

"Mum." I manage to splutter. I suddenly panicked, what if I'm dying, what if I'm losing sanity, what if I'm losing myself?

"Mum!" I try an shout, but it came out in more of a whisper. I only wanted to be pretty, I don't want to die. Am I even going to die? Or is my brain playing tricks on me.

I didn't know. I was too exhausted to find out. I felt my body almost fleeing to survive, trying to eat as much as itself as possible so it doesnt shut itself down, as I said before, it made me somewhat happy. It was eying away the fat.

And that made me smile.

I heard the door open and I started going in and out of convoys ness, I heard muffled sounds as I couldn't even move my head, I felt paralysed.

I felt trapped.

I looked around, sighing lightly as I heard loud noises, I see a figure Cast over me but it was blurred, muffled sounds escapes it's lips, maybe it was mum.

I then felt my body getting take off the bed and being strapped onto something a lot more hard. I looked around, but my vision was blurred. But them I heard one sentence. One sentence that made me try.

"I believe in you Vikkram"
Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this book, if you did, please comment, otherwise I'll talk to you all later. X

Love you allXxX

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