.Chapter 4.

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After Simon's little episode, we were escorted to our rooms, minus Simon, who was taken to the doctor after he snapped back into reality. Currently I was in my room, on my own, sitting in my bed, staring at the bed on the other side of the room. I don't know who I'm sharing this room with, but to be honest I fine with who ever. As long as I can be friend them, be friend everyone, it would be great.

I looked down at my covered wrists and let out a sigh. I wanted to escape this reality, he shouldn't have saved me. I wanted to escape reality and got to the place I wanted to go where I wanted to be. Up there, to reach my expectations, my imagination,  my hopes. I wanted to remove the bandages the doctors wrapped around my wrists, as they were tight and itchy, but because, I'm going urges again. I need too. I need to feel something, something that makes me satisfied.

I heard a knock on the door and I looked up. "Come in." I said. "Hello Tobi, I am Jason, I was in you group session with Vik this morning. I've come here to escort your room mate." He stated as he walked in, and I could vaguely see a bit of blonde hair being him. So its either Harry or Simon. Jason moved to the side and I saw Simon standing behind him, playing with the hems of his sleeves.

"Simon?" Jason questioned and he looked up, like he was snapped out of his train of thought. "Huh?" He said, looking at Jason then at me. "Hey Tobi." He said quietly, making his way to his bed, sitting down. "I'll let you guys talk. I'll call you when its time for lunch." Jason told us and I nodded. "Thanks." I said politely.

He closed the door quietly, whilst I looked at Simon. He was just staring at his lap, playing with the hems of his sleeves, like he was lost in his train of thought. "Why did you help me?" He said out of the blue. "Huh?" You asked. "When I was having an episode, why did you help me?" He asked again.

"Because, someone had too. Josh was in shock and he couldn't do anything in a straight jacket. Harry kept on crying and shaking. Vik was with Jason, JJ and Ethan didn't know what to do. I ran to you because you were strangling yourself. I don't know if it was Fran who was doing it, but your hands mimicked it. I had to stop you before you strangled yourself to death." I told him.

"Thank you." He said, just audible enough for me to hear. "Its no problem. We all need to become friends and not still be strangers. Even though I've only known you for about a couple minutes, I just get this vibe that you would do the same for me if you saw me doing something I couldn't control." I told him, staring at my covered arms again. "It feels like we've known each other for years and not minutes." He stated.

I smiled at his statement. "See we already know our back stories in how we ended up in this place, maybe we should get to know each other even more." I stated. "Like 20 questions?" He questioned and I nodded. "Yeah, just like that." I continued, smiling, and he smiled back. You know what is strange.

That smile was actually genuine. I've placed a mask over my face, showing all the emotions I never had the willpower to express at all. Today, of all days, I showed a genuine smile. Who's going to ask the first question?" He asked. "I'll go. Let me think." I stated and he nodded, playing with the hems of his sleeves again. I'm guessing it's his way of him knowing that, playing with his sleeves keeps him calm, like he has some sort of reality between his fingertips.

I was just about to say my question, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." I said and Jason walked in. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, but lunch is ready in the hall. If you'd please follow me." He said in a calm and polite tone, smiling afterwards. Myself and Simon got up at the same time and walked towards the door. I let Simon go first and he thanked me. If you saw us randomly on the street, you would have thought we were to average guys, but you'd never know that we would have such a horrible mental illness that drives us crazy.

We followed Jason all the way to the hall. Myself, Simon and Jason completely silent. Once we made our way to the hall door, Jason turned around smiled and told us that he will come and escort us back to our room, when we were done. Simon pushed the door and everyone was there, sitting around one huge table. There were multiple tables around the hall, but it seems like the middle table was designated for us and that the room was only for us.

We walked towards the table. I sat down in between Josh and Vik. Josh was out of his straight jacket, and Vik was still in his wheelchair. Simon sat next to Josh and JJ. Its weird to see trays of food in front of us and not Vik. Its a bit odd of me to say, but I bet it feels horrible to be forcefully fed through a tube that has been injected into your arm. I feel sorry for the kid. "You guys have 1 hour for a lunch break. After lunch you will be escorted to your rooms for a bit, get given your medicine, then go to the lounge area." The person over the intercom stated.

"Are we in some prison cell or something?" JJ stated. "It is a mental institution, its classed as a prison for the mentally ill." Josh stated, as he took hold of his sandwich. We all ate in silence, whilst Vik sat there, looking at his hands, that were situated in his lap. I took in his appearance. Sounds creepy, but I can help look at the caved in cheeks, how prominent his shoulder blades were (you could see them slightly as the neckline of his shirt was to the right), and how slim he was.

"I'm sorry if I scared you guys before." I heard Simon say. "I should say, when I get stressed or nervous or even self conscious, Fran tends to pop up and make me go crazy." He continued. "It's fine Simon. You can't stop her from appearing when you feel those emotions." Vik stated and he smiled. "Honestly, its fine. I think I speak on everyone's behalf. We have never seen someone act the way that you did. But now we know how to react, like what Tobi did, even if the doctors said not too, we have to do something." I heard Ethan say.

"Lets m-make a p-pact." Harry said to all of us. "W-W have e-each o-others b-back." He continued, his stutter overcoming him. "Agreed." We all said in unison. After our agreement, we continued eating. And didn't speak until we finished our lunch. "Me and Tobi were discussing this before coming up for lunch." Simon says. "He came up with the idea that, since we already know what got up into this place, we might as well become friends and not strangers, if we are going to be in here or a while. Like 20 questions." He continued."That sounds fun." JJ and Vik stated.

"Who's going to start?"


Sup people of the interwebs,

If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment. If you have heard Ed Sheeran's new album, omg its amazing.  I hope you have/had a great day, and I'll see you soon!


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