.Chapter 3.

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Tobi's POV.

I look as Vik gets wheeled away by I'm guessing his name is Jason. I feel sorry for Vik, him hooked up too that machine, forcefully feeding him. But I guess they are trying too make him steady again, but you can tell that Vik is really hurting, Everyone stared in sorrow, even Dr. Smith as the door closed. Signalling Vik had left the room.

I look down at my now covered wrists and I sigh. I can't stop looking over at Ethan.. And his neck. How many times I've imagined that. Who even saved me? Joe? Manny? Mum? So many questions running in my mind I didn't know what to think anymore. I can't remember who actually came, I just remember my door opening. Did the blood make me lose some of my memory?

"Why can't I leave if this is too 'Sensitive' for me but the skinny guy gets to?" I think JJ says and the Doctor sighed. "Because Vik also needs to go because he has too get his food bag replaced." Dr. Smith says and JJ sighs loudly. "Who found me?" I ask louder than I should of and everyone stared at me, making me instantly sink back into my chair. "Your brother Manny, you are lucky to be alive." The Doctor says and I just nod, looking down. So.. Manny saved me.. Why?

"When will we be able too see our family?" Ethan asks and the doctor sighs. "When you are stable for viewing." "What so are we like an ornament too you?" Josh spits and the doctor laughs. "Well you are, you can't move, your stuck in that thing." "And that's my fault because?" "You killed your parents, I didn't." He says and I see Josh's eyes widen as he stares at the doctor, dumbfounded.

"If you knew the way they treated me than you would of killed them and made there death a lot more slower and painful than I did." He sighs and the doctor looks at him, intrigued. "How did they treat you?" Doc. Asks and all Josh did was hcuckle darkly. "That you will never know." Josh wittily replies and I just look down. Did the doctor really put Josh down just too find out information on how his parents treated him? How horrible. "I'm sure you don't mind telling the others." "I'm sure that I do mind." "They already know they abused you, can't you tell us details?" "Leave him alone." I jump In, the doctor was getting way too personal, and even I was feeling uncomfortable. "We need this information too find out more about him." "S-s why do we need too pres-pressurise him into telling you..yourself?" Harry stuttered and the doctor just sighed.

"Free time, you can go off and talk too each other." The doctor says and stand up, before walking off too the door, opening and then closing it, locking it.

I looked in the corners of the room and see cameras there, no point in trying too escape. "Come on there better be a way out of here." JJ says and goes too the glass, smashing his fist on it. It didn't budge. Not one tiny bit. "M-maybe you shouldn't d-do that.." Harry says and Ethan sighs before getting up and walking over too the couches. I look over at Josh and see him trying too move his wheel chair.

"What are you doing fran?"

Everyone stopped what they where doing.

They turned over too Simon and see him staring at thin air, staring as if he was talking too someone, scared of them. "Simon?" JJ asks, concerned. "Stay away..." Simon whispers and jumps up from his chair, his chair falling over from how forcefully he stood up. "Oh my god." "He's having an episode." I say and Simon instantly threw a chair at JJ. "GET AWAY." He screams and I quickly jump up, Harry doing the same and running too where Ethan is. Simon tried running away.

I grab Josh's wheelchair and pull him further away from Simon as Simon pushes I guess Fran away from him. "I don't want too be hurt again. I can't hurt you again." He whispers before he fell back against the floor. Screaming an flailing his arms. Is this what an episode looks like?

"Everyone Get Far Away From Simon, Help will be on the way soon."

A voice came through the giant speakers and everyone tried moving far away from him. Simon screamed loudly And then he fell back, like someone pushed him. "Help will be on the way, don't go near him what ever you do." The voice said, I looked at Josh and see him terrified. Terrified at the sight that was unraveling before our very eyes.

"GET OFF ME!" Simon screamed before he pushed his hands up and around his neck, gripping his neck tightly. "HOLY SHIT." 'Help Will Be Soon! Do not help him' the voice cut JJ off, I looked over at Harry and saw him crying, Ethan was horrified, JJ was panicking, and Josh just watched, a frightened expression on his face."SOMEONE HELP ME! GET OFF ME!" He screams as I see tears fall down his face.

"SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!" Harry shouted. Simon was losing oxygen fast, his screams became more faint as he wrapped his hands around his neck tighter, mimicking I guess Frans actions. Or maybe he was trying too get rid of supposedly her hands from his neck but her hands were his.

We can't wait any longer.

I let go of Josh's wheelchair an ran over too Simon, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Josh called out, but I kneeled down too Simon and started shaking him. "Simon it's only your imagination!" I shout as I grab his hands. "STOP PLEASE." Simon screamed, tears falling down his face as it slowly lost it's colour. I pulled his hands but they wouldn't losen. "SIMON SHE ISNT REAL." I shout as I tried pulling his hands off again, too pull them away from his neck. They loosened. I heard the operator speaking but all I cared about was Simon. And my concentration is completely on Simon. This can't be happening. He is having an episode and no one is helping besides me.

"She isn't real Simon." I say in a panic as I pull his hands trying too get them off. They loosened a little bit more, but he kept screaming. Screaming for help, screaming for oxygen.

I breathed out heavily and sighed. One last time. Come on Simon. "Simon WAKE UP!" I shout and pull his hands hard, his hands instantly loosened as I pulled them off his neck. He instantly snapped back into the real world and looked straight at me, scrambling away from me so he was up against the wall. His eyes scared that I will do something. He looked around for I'm guessing too find Fran, I instantly went over and wrapped my arms around him as he cried into my shoulder, his arms limp as all he did was cry. "Shh everything's okay I've got you." I tell him, hoping he calms down soon, I hear the keys opening for the door. I just grabbed hold of Simon more tightly. "She isn't real okay she isn't real, you're going too be fine." I repeated. He just cried harder as he slowly wrapped his arms around me. "I wish my brother was here." He whispers. I'm guessing his brother helped him escape her?

"Tobi Lerone step away from Simon Minter" I hear I'm bussing a nurse say and I shake my head. "If I didn't step in he would of strangled himself until he was unconscious you would of been too late." "We told we would handle it." "How, by watching him pass out?" I spit, they just sighed as I leant away from Simon. Staring at him directly in the eyes. He was terrified, terrified of her.

"You'll be okay.. I promise"

Simons POV.

"You're worthless. Nick put you in this hospital for a reason." Fran spat as I looked at her, I was sitting down on the chair. She was slowly coming over, in a slow, intimidating walk.

"What are you doing?" I ask and she laughs loudly. "What do you think, you don't deserve to get help, you don't need help. You've got me." She smiles darkly. "Stay away.." I whisper and she smiles. "I've all you got simon. Except it." I stand up quickly and look t her, stare at her. "GET AWAY!" I scream as I grab the chair and throw it at her, everyone that was in the room previously has dissipated as my only focus was on Fran. "COME HERE!" She screams as I try and run away from her. She quickly ran after me and pushed me down on the floor. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I scream as she jumped onto my torso and grabbed my neck, outside noise was drowned as her eyes turned a dark black, her smile fearsome as she tightened her grip. "YOU DONT NEED HELP!" She screams as she cuts of my breathing pipe.

I tried gasping for air but it was so hard, and every time I tried the air supply was getting weaker and weaker. Am I going too die? "SOMEONE HELP ME." I screamed as tears ran down my cheeks, my hands on hers as I tried pulling them off. I look at her directly in the eyes. "JUST DIE ALREADY." She screams. I sigh, almost accepting my death.

"Simon WAKE UP!" I hear and she disappeared instantly, I felt my neck being free as I instantly gasped for breath, coughing from lack of oxygen. I look over at Tobi and I instantly cower away, I search for Fran but she was no where to be seen.

"She isn't real simon, you're going too be okay."
Tobi saved someone, but he couldn't save himself.. If you enjoyed this chapter please comment, otherwise talk later! Xx

Love you allXxX

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