.Chapter 5.

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Harry's POV.

I look over at JJ and he looks down, his cheeks caved in from the drugs, I sigh shakily as memories come flooding back into my head. My dad.. Rosy, Rosy.. Is she okay? How could my dad manipulate her mind into thinking that drugs changed her place on this earth too being happy? When really it's just gunna hurt her even more than anything.

I look over at everyone else, Simon was staring into the distance, Tobi was looking at Vik, looking at the feeding tube that was forcing him too eat, Ethan was looking at the table, his face expressing a sad emotion, and Josh was still in a wheelchair, he may be out of the straightjacket, but he's still tied down.

I wouldn't blame them, they're looking out for the safety of everyone else. "I'll start." Josh says. Rearranging himself on the chair, and looking directly at me. "If you threatened your parents or who ever the fuck it was, I don't care, with a knife, then why the fuck are you not in a wheelchair and I AM." He says and stares at me, angrily.

I felt nervous butterflies bubble up and into my throughout, clogging up my voice box and making me not able to start talking. "Josh! That's out of line!" JJ says and I flinch, oh no.

"I WANT TOO KNOW WHY IM FUCKING IN GHIS THING!" Josh screams and I jump from his tone, he stares at me and I felt my hands start too shake even more than they should be. "I-" "Just Let Harry Off, he did nothing wrong." Simon says too Josh. "No! I want too know!" He spits at Simon.

"COME ON, TELL ME, I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" Josh shouts at the intercom. "I-I" "SPEAK" "MY DAD THREATENED ME AND MY BROTHER WITH THE POISON HE USES TOO ESCAPE THE SAD LIFE MY MOTHER LEFT HIM WITH" I shout, the first time I've not had a stutter in ages. I look around and everyone looks at me, shocked I shouted.

I looked down and sighed. "Look-ing after a disgraceful s-on such as myself.-He, he alre-ready Turned Ros-y. And my b-brothers fucking d-dealing with the guy RIGH-RIGHT NOW, AND IM NOT THE-RE TOO PROTECT HIM!" I shout and push the table. Standing up and kicking my chair away. I look at everyone and they all looked scared, and Josh.. Josh looked guilty.

"UGHHHH!" I scream before smacking the table behind me. God I hope josh is okay, I hope he's okay.

"Harry, return too your room." The voice over the intercom blasts through the speakers in the almost empty cafeteria. I jumped, instantly scared, I just looked down at the table and sighed. Before pushing myself up off the table and walking away, tears brimming my eyes as I think more and more about my brother.. They have most probably possessed him and made him go into the drugs.

I wipe my eyes, "Where is my brother?" I ask. Looking down. "We will tell you when you are in your room." "They have... They've got h-him... Haven't they?" "I'm sorry-" "NO! YOU'RE NOT SORRY! THEY SAW THE DRUGS IN THE HOUSE, AND DID NOTHING! AHH!" I screamed and smashed the sore open before running, running to my room.

I run in and instantly shut the door loudly, before jumping on my bed and tears started falling down my cheeks, sobs escaping my mouth as my hands shake. "HOW COULD YOU!" I screamed as I cried into my hands. I tried so hard for Josh to have the best upbringing, me being the farther figure I never had, and I'm gone, because of my dad! And he's stuck with him and most probably hurt because they'd have peer pressured him into doing it. "Josh.." I cry as I hit the bed. I see my door open and see Vik there. He moved his wheelchair so he was next to me and placed an arm on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" He asks and I just sigh, someone actually is.. Caring, about me? "I-I'm fi-fine." "I know what I'm fine means, you're breaking, what's happened?" He asks calmly and I just look down.

"J-Josh could.. Could be in d-danger" "Your brother?" Vik asks and I nod. "Have you told anyone?" I shake my head and look around the place, kind of gesturing that I couldn't.

I heard a bell go off, I guess signalling lunch was over, I look down, afraid, not sure what to do. I sigh lightly.

"I-Idont know what t-to do."


I look over at Josh, we where in the cafeteria, eating, and talking, about ourselves.. I was sat on a different table to them, scared of them judging me if I say with them, not able to cope with Josh and this going on if they made fun of me.

I see someone come over and see it was Tobi.  I smile as he comes over, but only a small, fake smile". "Just know, I'm always here for you, if you ever want to talk." He says and I just nod, thanking him with a smile. I just look down at my food and push it away, sighing loudly. "Have. Have you s-seen where V-Vik is?" I ask and Tobi shakes his head. "No, when did you last see him?" Tobi asks and I look down, scared for an unknown reason. "Before we w-went to eat, he said he'd b-Be with us shortly, he had to s-ort things out with the n-nurse" I said and Tobi nodded, before looking around. "The nurse isn't here, but it's weird that he's been 'Sorting Things Out' for 45 minutes." Tobi says and I nod, "I-Imma go c-check -u-up on h-him." I whisper before standing up slowly. I go to the door and open it, and then head to my room, "Where I-is he?" I ask myself as I go to our room, I soon reach the room and open the door.

The room was quite luxurious for a mental asylum, two double beds, and a decent sized bathroom. I looked around and didn't see Vik anywhere, where could he be, I look over at the bed and see Viks wheelchair next to it, with his feeding stuff.

"V-Vik?" I whisper out, I look at the bathroom and see that the light was on. I instantly got a bad feeling as nerves flushed throughout my body. I go over to the bathroom and slowly open the door.

"Oh m-my god, V-Vik."

He was in nothing but his boxers, his body looked.. Horrific, sharp, pointy shoulder blades, caved in ribs, his hip bones prominent against the extremely skinny boy that layed over the toilet bowl, dazed, and sick everywhere.

"D..Don't tell anyone." He whispers, tears slowly falling down his cheeks, he was completely silent, because he didn't want people hearing him. "Vik.. W-Why did y-You do this?" I ask him, flushing the toilet, getting rid of the sick. "Need to be p-pretty." He whispers. Before falling into sobs.

I quickly go over and kneel down next to him. Before slowly placing my hands around him and onto his chest, pulling him back so his back laid against my stomach. "But you are pretty Vik, you don't need this love." I whisper, trying to stop my stutter, and it worked. I guess my minds to involve on what to do in this situation to care about my Nerves. "B-But that's not what they s-say. They call me ugly, and fat, the words are true, Harry." He sobs, I look around and see the red button to press whenever there is an emergency happening, and this really is an emergency, considering he's just stopped his feeding time from feeding him. And he's out of his wheelchair, somehow. "Don't tell them I did this, and it'll all be okay, I can be normal again. Pretty again, I just need to keep checking my weight, and it'll be fine." He tells me, panic in his voice. "Vik, this isn't normal." "I-It is! I-it's normal to me." He sighs. I just nod and breathe in heavily, before exhaling.

"Just.. Close your eyes, and go to sleep." I whisper and I see that he closed his eyes, I reach out and press the red button. Before instantly stroking his hair.

"I'm sorry, it'll all be okay."
I hope you guys enjoyed this chaptrt, sorry it was late, internet was down, if you enjoyed please comment, otherwise I'll talk to you all later! X

Love you allXxX

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