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A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

Simon's POV

I let out a sigh of relief once the school bell rang for the end of the day. I grabbed my bag from the side of my desk and slung it on my back. I left the school and took a slow walk home, my thoughts taking over me.

I don't know what I feel anymore, feeling these emotions that vary on the voices and the hallucinations that control my mind. They make do stupid things that I can not stop myself from doing, or even make my emotions go all over the place. The sky looks so beautiful, the contrast of the colours yellow, orange and a tint of pink, blended together, making the perfect sunset. Pretty, right? If only I was as pretty as the sunset that made the atmosphere lively.

"Occupying your thoughts with random shit to forget about me Si?" I heard a voice I never thought I would hear. "I thought you were gone?" I questioned, stopping in my tracks. People were staring at me, but I didn't care, I was focused on the person who was stood in the way of my path.

"You can't get rid of me Si, I'm in your head, you tend to forget that hun." Fran told me, walking closer to me. I moved away from her and continued to walk back home. "Avoiding me won't work Si. I'm everywhere." She says as I walk faster. "Leave me alone!" I said, raising my voice slightly. "Come on Si, don't deny the fact that you missed me." She said and I shook my head. 

"Get. Out. Of. My. Head." I said, shaking my head in the process. "No can do hun. You so do not understand that I can't leave your head. I'm just a figure of your hallucinations. You created me." She told me and I ignored her. I quickly walked up my driveway and opened my front door, closing it quickly. I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes.

She sighed, "Stop running Si. There is no point." She said slyly. "Leave me alone." I said loudly, as I shut my eyes again. I opened my eyes slowly and she disappeared. I let out another sigh and walked up the stairs. I walked into my my room and chucked my bag on my bed. 

"BOO!" I heard Fran shout, making me jump and turn around. She was giggling like a maniac. At first I thought it was because of my reaction, but I realized, as I looked down, she had a butcher's knife in her hand. She looked at me and smirked. She disappeared right in front of me. 

"I have missed you." I heard her whisper in my ear, which sent shivers down my spine. Next thing you know, she has her arms around my torso, trying the keep me in place. I got out of her grip and ran to the bedroom entrance. Fran was in front of the entrance, so I quickly stopped and moved away quickly. I watched her close the door, the sound of the lock click.

She moved towards me and I ran passed her. I tried to unlock the door, but it wouldn't budge. "LEAVE ME ALONE FRAN!" I shouted, placing my hands on the side of my head, my hands covering my ears, so I couldn't hear her.

"Never!" She said in a sinister tone. She lunged for me, but I moved out of the way. I ran to the other side of the room, my heart pounding, I need to get out of here. Fran got closer to me, I moved away, until my back was against the wall. She had cornered me. She grabbed my arm, turned me around and held my torso in one arm, the butcher's knife up to my throat.

I screamed. 

"LET ME GO!" I shouted, trying to get out of her grip, but failing. "The more you struggle, the closer the knife gets to your throat." She spat, coming closer with the knife. "HELP! HELP!!" I shouted, hoping someone could get her away from me. "I warned you." She spat and the knife was against my throat. I swallowed the lump in my throat and closed my eyes, waiting for her to do it.

"SIMON!!!" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and saw my brother Nick in front of me, his hands on my shoulders. I felt tears fall down my face. I hugged him and he hugged back. "What were you doing?" He asked, the tint of worry in his voice. "Fran tried to kill me." I told him. Nick sighed. He moved back slightly, so I could see his face. "I have witnessed all the episodes you have gone through Simon, but this one. This one has gone to far. From screaming from the top of your lungs to a knife against your throat. This is getting out of hand. I know you can't help this, but you need help. These episodes are becoming too extreme." Nick told me.

"I don't want to leave you Nick." I told him. "I don't want to leave you either Simon, but if these episodes get worse, you might put yourself in more danger." Nick told me. 

"See you soon Si." I heard Fran say, holding the butchers knife. She started giggling like a maniac again and the POOF. She disappeared.


Sup people of the interwebs,

Hope you like the chapter. If you did, vote and comment and I'll see you soon. Bye!



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