Chapter 19

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Tobi's POV,

It didn't work, of course it didn't work, it was silly to think it would of.

"You're silly aren't you, doing it again." The nurses said, the strong male nurses. I looked at the main office, watching it leave my sight. Obviously it had failed. It all happened so soon, we didn't properly plan it out.

They opened the door. Me knowing which one it was. Oh god. "Please don't let me go in their." I begged. But they ignored me. They opened the door before slinging me in their, my body hitting and ricochetting on the cold surface.

They locked the door.

I felt another person grab me, and place me on the chair, myself screaming, trying to get away, the fear poisoning my blood stream, I flailed my arms, kicked punched trying to get away but that also didn't work.

"If you try anything more you will be in here for the next week." The man said. I sighed. Giving up, knowing that I almost deserved this, but this hurt me a lot, it brings me back to when Joe beat me. Abused me. Harmed me and completely didn't care.

No one cares.


I knew it wouldn't of fucking worked. When I walked in the support room the next day and saw Tobi their, badly bruised up. I knew that there wasn't a single chance of escape.

"Right, now we all know about Tobi's incident yesterday." The therapist spoke calmly about the situation. I shook my head, unable to comprehend any of this. "I'm so sorry Tobi." Simon muttered Tobi just nodded.

"And I've noticed that all of you have been relapsing recently." Dr smith said more forcefully. Looking around at all of us. "My advice is to you, don't relapse, think about how much progress you're making and get inspired." "Yeah, and you will get 'disciplined' if you do." "You're going to go back in the straight jacket after this support session." "Why?" "Now you're back in the wheelchair. How you started." The Dr cut josh off. Josh shook his head.

"If you want to say anything put your hand up." Josh just shook his head again, I'm guessing not believing. "That's not fair Dr." Vik said quietly and the doctor raised an eyebrow. "And do you think it was fair when your mother found her own son dying and completely paralysed and weak because he didn't eat the meals that she worked hard and provided you for?" He spat at Vik. My eyes widened, that's very personal and uncalled for.

I look at Vik, in absolute shock about what he just said. "No come on." "Shut up you murderer." The man spat at josh, I've never seen this happen before. "I did that for a valid fucking reason." "What because you where drunk, was that it?" The Dr almost Taunted. Everyone was dead silent, stunned about how the doctor had said such a horrible thing.

"No because they almost bashed my head in with a fucking baseball bat." "So it was a cry for help." "It was a reason to escape this fucked up world, get rid of the Bradley family completely." Josh stated. The doctor laughed. "Well you sure got rid of two of the members."

Joshs eyes widened. I saw his hands shaking and his face was a bright red, he was angry. Very angry. "Don't say that." "You murdered your family. You're lucky you're not in prison." "Fuck it." I heard josh whisper before suddenly leaping on the doctor, Harry screaming instantly at what was happening.

Josh grabbed the doctors throat. "Have you ever been abused before? Have you ever been hurt by your own parents to the point you wished everyone around you would just die and that you would be the one to make that happen? HEY? Fucking answer me!" He screamed at the doctor. "Josh!" The doctor chocked. Before josh let go of the mans throat.

Josh suddenly fell on top of the man. It looked like he had passed out, maybe from how much anger he had just suddenly gone through. "Hello can we get two nurses in here please to take josh back to his room." The doctor said, almost to calmly, like this had happened before, which was most probably true.

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