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Frank never thought anyone still held the power to make him so empty; yet so filled with rage. He could still feel his hand twitching in anger as he stood staring at the door that was literally slammed against his face.

The thought of what could be going on in there between those two had his fist coiled and ready to smash the door open but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was way too civil for that sorta drama and beside he'd only make matters worst if not leave it at a point where she would never want to see his shadows ever again.

Frank looked worse than he felt as he couldn't gather his thought properly. His throat felt extremely dry and he looked labored. She didn't even listened to him.

What has changed so much, he thought to himself as he head back to his car and repeatedly kicked at his tyres; groaning out loud in frustration.

How long has it been; three weeks? He was right to think something else was going on between those two earlier when he saw them back at the restaurant.

He didn't realized he was going to be too late until that very moment.

All he wanted was to give her space just as she had wanted and what did he get in return? She freaking slammed the door at his face while declaring another man to be her boyfriend.

Like where the hell did he crawl out from

The word boyfriend left a sour taste in his mouth as he scoff out loud. He admit he wasn't in the best position to make demands tonight and all he asked for was a listening ear.

He wanted so badly to spill out his gut tonight and sort out all the little misunderstanding between them if not ask her to please be his girlfriend but she has already made her decision even though it wasn't in his best interest.

In as much as Frank would have loved to believe she was lying to his face; he just couldn't deny the love in Henry's eyes. The thought alone had him choking as he let loose his tie before getting into his car.

Kicking the engine back to life, he sped off with no particular destination in mind. Frank needed to get out of there before he is tempted to go back in there and force the door open and maybe punch a hole through that boy stupid boyish face.  That will be really satisfying if not put a bandage to his already bruised ego.

His phone kept vibrating in his suit jacket as he reluctantly reached for it. He was in no mood to talk to anyone and especially not his Mom.

Frank has been avoiding her all day if not all week and now was definitely not the best time to engage in a heated conversation with her either as he only looked at the screen before dropping it at the passenger seat.

They was only one person he could talk to at that point. Kelvin would be more than glad to have him whined about his almost close to occurring love life even though he is most likely to tease him about it at the end of the day.

Kelvin was just an hour drive away minus the traffic and all.


"Are you saying some guy beat you to asking her out?" Asked Kelvin in a rather confused tone after listening to all Frank had to say some hours later.

"He didn't beat me to anything Kel, she just said it to spite me because she thinks am bad for her" Frank had replied with a scoff.

"Bad for her? Like how someone suddenly realizes alcohol is bad for them and just decide to stay away from it so they don't get drunk? Because I don't understand the kind of bad you are referring to"

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