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It took Aria three days to finally summed up courage and speak with her father over the phone.

Surprisingly enough, her father was rather understanding and patient while she explained her reasons for doing what she did even though her reasons were completely delusional.

He only advised her against the consequences of her actions just in case she hasn't thought of it yet and even asked that she travel home for a while because it was pretty obvious she was going through a rough change in her life but Aria couldn't have it his way.

She wanted to do things for her this time without anyone advising or telling her what and what not to do.

Going home would be part of the old routine and hell? That has to change as well. She was going to deal with this phase in her life in her own terms and they won't be a butting in from anyone else.

Even her boss hasn't called to pressure her into going back which is a good sign.

She was replaceable after all... She thought with a sad shrug.

Aria woke up to the constant ringing of her phone and in as much as she would have loved to ignore whoever the caller was,she still couldn't. Not with the rate at which the caller seemed to be hitting the redial button.

With her face still buried into her pillow, she began to tap around the surface of her bed, looking for the little buzzing noise that she can't seem to get her hand on.

And when she finally did, she sighed a deep relief and tap the receive button before attaching it to her ear.

"What time is it at your end because am still trying to catch some sleep over here" she grumbled into the receiver feeling annoyed.

The caller said something that got her springing up from bed like she has just been told her roof was on fire.

She looked over at her table clock, sighed before slumping back on her bed.

"No kidding! It's really 11:30am and am still in bed!"

For the first time in Lizzy's life, Her timing wasn't so bad.

They both agreed to meet over the week and hang out and Aria seemed to have forgotten all about it and that's why Lizzy was calling to make sure she hasn't forgotten or better yet, changed her mind.

"Are we still set for today?" Lizzy had asked just to be certain.

"Yes sure. Zicky's bar right?"

"Yes..that's the one Ari!. I will meet you there so don't forget to show up!"

"You bet I will Liz"

"Alright then. See you later_bye!"


She hung up and lay still for a moment wondering if she was really up for it.

Aria struggled on her feet and head for the bathroom. She already agreed to be there no matter what so ditching won't be an option but first she has to fix things around the house before heading out for tonight.

Fifteen minutes later, she was done with her bathroom routine and making her way towards the kitchen to make herself breakfast. With a bowl of cereal in front of her kitchen island,she began to stuff herself with it.


It was already 4pm at this point.

Aria stood in front of her wardrobe still wrapped in a towel and one around her hair_ trying to figure out what to wear. She has piles of clothes staring back at her yet she couldn't decide which one was best suit for tonight.

Settling for a black knee length lace gown. She paired it up with an equally black heel sandals showing her perfectly long slender legs.

With a touch of makeup here and there, she had her braids up in a pony tail just as always.

Fifteen minutes more and Aria was fully dressed with that piece of fabric hugging her figure in all the right places.

Aria doesn't just look different;she felt absolutely different and merely looking at her, anyone could see the difference but was she okay? She wasn't sure but putting on her old comfortable wears all seemed like part of her old life so she'd be okay with whatever she has picked for tonight.

Glancing at her reflection in the mirror one last time,a little smile crawled up her cheeks as she stared back at herself.

Her reflection was smiling back at her with sparkles underlining her big brown eyes. An evident show of the fire burning in her soul. That part of her that has stayed buried for too long was staring back at her. Daring her to let go of her childhood principles for just this night and make the most out of it.

She closed her eyes for a brief moment calming her nerves a bit and when she flip them open again, she knew she was ready to grow some balls and live like a thirty year old for once in her life.

"It's time to live Aria so suck it up and go" Aria has so reminded herself batting her perfectly mascara lashes at her own reflection.

She looked perfectly flawless even without trying. Aria was a natural beauty and only a few highlights to the cheek and brow could get her looking like the queen for the night not to mention her figure eight asset that was complimenting her all round.

Aria didn't want to be overdressed neither did she want all the attention to be on her. Where Lizzy had plan of meeting her tonight is sure to be filled with crazy ass crowd and probably drunk fellows too but either way. She was already dressed and can't back out now.

Another minute or two,she hurried out of her apartment after locking her door safely behind her.

This night is going to be a long night!

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