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They drove through the night in silent with Aria looking out the window towards the moving scene. She couldn't understand it no matter how hard she tried.

Frank had practically pulled her out of there only for one simple reason.

He couldn't stand the fact that she was finally talking to someone who at least cared about her enough to laugh at her silly comment without pretending about it.

She saw how everyone was throwing small glances at her direction back at the book launch. She bet they also thought there were a couple.

Her feet seemed to be killing her pretty bad due to how long she has been putting on those damn heels he had forced her to wear tonight and for what?_to act as a lady beside someone who only cared for his stupid ego.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. At least their deal for that day was finally over and she was heading home to relax.

Even though he'd promised to explain his relationship with that lady they  met at the book launch and also why he thought it was okay to just lie about their relationship as well, Aria could still care less. All she wanted at that moment was to get home and get to bed.

Frank on the other hand seemed to be  avoiding any form of conversation with her as he was barely looking at her direction even though they were seating a couple of inches away from each other.

When she finally allowed her eyes to snap open again, she realized they were driving at a different lane and heading to a different direction because it doesn't look like the road that lead to her house.

"Where are we going?" Aria had asked, turning to Frank with a slight frown that was completely lost to the night.

"Some place you will like before going home"

"I will rather be on my way home at this point if you don't mind?"

Frank gave her a quick sideways glance.

"You need to relax a bit alright?. And besides, the night is still too young to run to your apartment don't you think?"

Aria quickly glanced at the dashboard and realized it was a little pass nine'o clock but refused to be swayed still.

She was still determined to talk him out of whatever he could be thinking.

"I have work on Monday so I need to rest as much as I can"

Frank only snort at her reply still looking ahead.

"I'm sure you do but an hour is all it will take so hold on. We are almost there"

He stepped on the gas paddle and  continued on their way not saying another single word.


They finally arrived at a restaurant that was located at the island. The atmosphere was very cold and windy  when they got down from the car.

Aria was welcomed with the touch of cold breeze that caressed her cheeks and causing her to shiver a bit. Her hair was all over the place before she managed to tucked back some strains of stray hairs behind her ears and wrapped her arms tightly around herself to keep warm.

The place was so welcoming and has a vibe that screamed romance as each table was set for two with red little candles seating in between.

She threw a quick glance at him wondering what could have gone through his mind when he decided to bring her there only to realized that, he was watching her as well with that expression she can't quite understand.

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