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Aria seemed to be having the time of her life as she continued to bite down at her chicken legs and fried rice. She had ordered her favorite dish and she couldn't help but eat away.

Everything was just perfect. From the food down to the dishes and just the scenario itself. To summed it all up; she was happy.

Happy to be finally having a good time with no strings attached. She always has this misconception that, any guy who wanted to have a good time with her would want something in return but Henry came along and has changed that very mindset.

Because ever since he showed up, it has been nothing but laughter and happy feelings.

Henry was a rare gem.

Those few weeks have been more peaceful than she could ever imagined. He made things easier and got her through the heartache that Frank had left behind without even knowing it.

Henry on the other hand was watching her with great awe as she eat away at her dinner. Having her so close and clueless about how he feels makes his heart beat even faster. Who knew three weeks would be enough to get to know and fall in love with her so much.

He has liked her right from the first time he found out she was the lady in the flat opposite his and they were going to be neighbors.

How happy he was at the realization alone. He wanted to go knocking at her door that same day he moved in but didn't.

And when he finally had the chance to; he couldnt stop anymore and the more he got close to her, the more he wanted to keep giving her excuses just to talk to her again. Something about her that kept pulling him towards her direction.

His eyes wandered around a bit and settled on a man whose attention was firmly fixed at their table. His eyes seemed to be following each and every of Aria's moves. He couldn't help but wonder if he has also found her attractive or just mesmerized by her beauty as well.

He doesn't look like a stalker as he was seated among a group of three other persons who all seemed responsible. He decided not to pay much attention to the man anymore and as he refocused his attention to the lady seated before him.

Aria had an extra salad spilling from her lips and he quickly grabbed his napkin and wiped her lip with it before she could.

She offered him a smile and a thank you as she continued to eat, clueless of the man's reaction seating behind her.

When he couldn't take it anymore, Henry had led her out the door after he had paid for their dinner because he wasn't very comfortable around with that stranger anymore. The way his eyes kept digging a hole at her back wasn't the least pleasant.

They drove back home in silent with the thought of that stranger still tugging at his mind. He wanted to call Aria attention to him earlier at some point but decided against it as he saw no need to it. He could be admiring her for all he knew.

Aria decided to invite him over to her apartment to chill since the night was still young. They barely made it inside when she heard a knock at the door and Henry quickly offered to get it while she went in to get herself a bottle of water.

Henry pulled her front door open and was dumbfounded when he noticed the same man from the restaurant standing at Aria door way with a smile that was quickly replaced with an angry glare the moment his gaze fell on him too.

What the heck?

Was he following them? He thought.

He stepped away from the door way and locked the door from behind as he glaring back at the man.

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