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It was 11:30pm when they finally arrived at his house with Aria snoring peacefully with her head still on the headrest. Her seatbelt was fasten safely around her_to keep her in place.

Frank couldn't help but to stared at her a little bit more, with her chest rising and falling to a rhythm known only to her.

Her mouth was slightly opened.

Frank has been staring at her all through the drive home yet still has an unquenchable urge to stare at her a bit more.

He was so lost that he didn't realize Aria had woken up and was now staring back at him.

"Where are we?"

Her voice has startled him slightly as he jerk back a little.

"At my place. I was contemplating about waking you up or not. You fell asleep on our way here"

She stared out a bit and blinked rapidly before staring back at him with a confused brow.

"Your place?"

"You don't recognize this place because non of my staffs have been here before now" he had explained calmly looking at her for a reaction.

"Okay " she had replied looking around a bit more.

"Shall we head inside?"


The first thing that greeted her were the cool breeze of the night the moment her feet hit the pavement and she couldn't help but sway a little.

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