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Aria inhaled deeply through her nostrils and exhaled slowly as she stood contemplating her next move that morning.

It was just 9am at the office and she was ready to go in and see her boss with her letter, grasped firmly in hand. Only problem is? She was starting to over think everything.


Putting in the resignation letter turned out to be a lot more difficult than she had previously imagined it to be. She thought all she needed to do was go in and slam it on his desk and walk out with her head held high but easily said than done right? So there she was pacing back and forth.

Earlier at her house that morning, she was confidently rehearsing the line she had come up with over and over while looking at her expression in the mirror but now that she was standing between the slide glass door of her boss's office,_her feet can't seem to respond to any locomotive activity as she stood there biting her lower lips in anxiety.


Another five second and she was in and standing before her boss after taking another puff of breath to calm her racing heart.

Her Boss, Mr Frank Okoji was in his usual position and looking as elegant as always. He raised a brow at her direction, wondering what she could be up to; just standing there.

"Good morning Sir" Said Aria with her usual composed voice.

"Good morning Miss Davis. What can I do for you today?" He continued to stare at her but she said nothing_ but instead, gave the envelop in her now sweating hand another squeeze.

"Are you Okay? You look tense!" He asked still staring at her.

"I'm fine. I just came to hand this in personally before leaving"

She took a step forward and reached out with the envelop but he made no move to grab it from her.

He looked skeptic.

"What is that if I may ask?"

Aria hesitated for a moment before answering. "It's my resignation letter. Am leaving"

"What do you mean you are leaving and for Christ sake, who said you can resign because I don't remember asking for that thing in your hand so do you mind explaining?" Her boss half yelled and asked at the same time.

"No one asked me to leave. It was my own decision and I will ask that you respect that and grant me this request by approving it"

Mr Frank Okoji only scoff at her naivety before leaning back against his arm chair.

He seemed to be studying her with an intense expression.

"I see that you are not aware of the company's policy do you?" He asked with a raised brow.

Aria shook her head and said. "No sir. I mean_am not even aware we have one that is directly tied to an employee resignation"

"Well now you do and it states that, any employee who wishes to leave the company for whatever reason other than being told to do so by the company, will first and fore mostly have to submit a three months notice prior to their time of leaving and you haven't done that"

Aria was quiet for a moment as she stood raking her brain,trying to process the information she had just been bombarded with. She can't even recall any one giving her a written or verbal information stating such policy because in all her six years as a staff in that company,she hasn't come in contact with such policy.

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