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This particular morning was just like any other day in the Okoji enterprise._the only difference was the overwhelming tension looming around in the air.

There was no indication that something off the radar had happened in the company to put their boss in a bad mood other than the departure of one of their favorite colleague.

Whispers and rumors seems to be going from mouth to ear among the staffs, wondering if the tension with their boss was because of Aria's departure from the company or something bad has happened and they could loose their job as well.

No one knew why she left but her absence has caused so much panic with their boss within just three days of her leaving.

Everyone seemed to be walking on egg shell as they hurry about their daily routine regardless.

Some had rumored that he had fired Aria even though she has done nothing wrong to deserve it while some had argued that she left because she couldn't take his bossy attitude anymore.

They have always wondered how she was able to survive all these years working in such close proximity with someone as cranky and demanding as Frank Okoji.

When he want something done?, just get it done,no questions asked or you can easily be replaced with someone who can get the job done and in no time.

Aria departure from the company was just barely a couple of three days, and things with their boss has become more tedious.

While his staffs were busy carrying out different duties around the company?_Frank Okoji was back at his office with a deep frown cresting his forehead as he sat on his arm chair. His face a mixture of pride and refined beauty.

Both his elbow were planted firmly against the large glass table seating right in front of him as he sat there brooding over the incompetence of his new assistant who can't seem to get anything right. Her sloppy working ability had just cost him a fortune in just two fucking days of her arrival.

Just where the hell did they find such sorry excuse of an assistant from.

Just when he thought she couldn't get any worst, she had her red lip stick on the cover of an important document he was presenting to the board members the next day.

He never would have dared to pick her even if she was working for him for free but Aria was gone and he needed a replacement as soon as possible but that was a big mistake, he knows that now.

Martha was beyond just incompetent.

She was clearly not cut out for a job as that of an assistant and definitely not to someone like him.

She lacks the willingness and dedication to work. Something Aria was born with or maybe just her love for her job but either way; she was most effective and maybe that's why he was stuck with her for such a long time and finding a replacement for her has proven impossible.

He sighed and leaned back against his headrest with his eyes closed and kept rubbing at his forehead in an attempt to ease some of the tension building up around there.

Aria kept crossing his mind every single second much to his annoyance. He just couldn't understand her reason for leaving neither could he bring himself to get her out of his mind.

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