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Aria is a fine young lady. Smart and very innovative but an introvert to the butt._having being raised in a strict Christian home where the children are duly restricted from engaging in anything that would bring shame and disgrace to their family's name.

Aria grew up avoiding a lot of things especially the opposite sex as it was strictly forbidden. All these and many other rules to live by, left a lasting impact on her social life over time as she grew older.

At age thirty_Aria has zero to no social life experience as she gave little or no room for fun outside of her work at the Okoji's enterprise.

Not that she would have it any other way though!. Does she have female friends perhaps? One might ask.

Well the answer is yes! The closest thing to being called a friend in her life was her best friend Lizzy. They practically grew up together and went to the same university but are two polar bears.

Lizzy was fun and out going. Full of energy and ambitious to own one of the biggest fashion house in Lagos city even though she still far from achieving any of it. Even though they both live in the same city_They hardly ever find time to see each other and hang out.

For over six years, Aria had dedicated herself solely to her work. She had just two routines in her schedule. From work to home and home to work and back again._which kind of goes a long way to explain why she was still a virgin at thirty.

There was no room for anything else except family gatherings but definitely not fun. Fun was for Lazy and idle minded people and Aria was far too serious for such non profitable ventures.

Year after year, there was no significant changes in her life. No one to call her own and why would she? when all she does is hid her perfect figure in that horrible oversized piece of clothing she usually put on.

Her boss couldn't call her out on it so long she was doing her job diligently and staying invincible as well, then there was no need to stress himself over it.

Aria doesn't even have a boyfriend to bug her about her sense of fashion that were so ancient and ninety eighties. It was just she and her little apartment and working life.

A lot of male prospect saw her but never took notice of the beauty that lay within and it has always been that way.

A boy had once smiled at her in fourth grade but that was all there ever was because she replied with a frown and the poor kid never looked her way ever again._That was the closest interaction any male has ever had with her.

She wasnt exactly bothered about anything until something happened that struck a cord in her mind and changed everything.

It all started out with an invitation from her cousin who was finally tying the knots with her childhood sweetheart and since it was a family thing, everyone was required to be there.

She could still recall her aunt's words vividly like it was stuck on a replay in her head.

"Aaah ahn Aria, it's being so long I saw you_are you married now?" Her aunt Lucy had asked with an expectant look on her face while Aria fumble within herself for a reply.

"I'm not yet married aunt" she managed to answer with a forced smile.

'But you are engaged to be married soon right?' She pried further.

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