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Aria walked back into her bedroom with just a single towel wrapped around her shaking figure. Her head was pounding like a beating drum thanks to all the tears she had been crying in the shower. Apart from the dreadful ache in her head;she was also feeling dehydrated and sick to her stomach.

The hangover from last night was finally kicking in_ full force!

Throwing on her pink pajamas pant with a black loose shirt; she walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge to soothe the dryness in her throat before she was startled by hard fits banging against her front door.

Halting for a moment; she walked towards the door after replacing the bottle water with its cap. She paused after giving it a second thought and decided against it.

Turning around to walk back to the bedroom, She decided to grab her phone from the sofa before heading in.

Flipping through the screen of her phone,she found several messages from Lizzy and endless missed calls.

Maybe Lizzy could be the one banging at her door.

If Lizzy was truly the one at the door then she better let her in and get it over with already..

Composing herself a bit,she cracked her front door open only to find Frank staring back at her with that expression on his face she couldn't depict.

He was clothed in a blue polo shirt and that trouser pant from earlier. The only thing missing was the arrogant look he had going on when she left his house an hour ago.

She wondered what he could be doing at her door step and staring at her like that.

"What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" He asked with a puff of breath!

"Can you come in you say?_I thought i made myself clear before leaving your house that I don't want to ever see you again. I mean_what are you even doing here! How did you find me"

"Please! Just hear me out" he begged and took an inch closer to her; causing her to back away from him in fright.

Aria could barely stand the man presence not to mention having him another inches closer. Her decision to unlock her front door was a bad one and she regretted every bit of it.

"If you are here to talk about what happened between us then please just go away. I just want to forget, it ever happen so spare me the details" she was about to close the door on his face before he reached out and stopped her half way.

"No..wait! Please. Just give me some few minute. That's all I need".

She was lost in her own thought for a moment as she stared back at him. He looked like a war was going on in his mind or was it guilt? She couldn't understand any of it but something was tugging at her mind to maybe hear him out even if it's just for a few minutes.

"Ten minutes!"

"That will be more than enough"

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