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After manoeuvering her way through heavy traffic and crazy bus drivers who kept reminding her that driving in Lagos was another life struggle she might never get used to. She finally made it to her destination.

Aria was twenty five minutes late for the interview but that didn't stop her from forging ahead either as she quickly secured a spot for her vehicle at the parking lot and rushed in through the entrance while hoping for some sort of miracle to help see her through.

Aria took a quick stop at the reception when she noticed a young lady who she assumed to the receptionist seating behind the counter with her face all covered in make up. She had a piercing gaze as she stared gingerly at Aria who stood breathing like she was in the marathon.

"Good morning"  Aria had greeted politely still catching her breath

"Good morning. How may I help you?"

"I'm here for the interview?"

Aria stood up straighter while putting on her best smile.

The receptionist whose name tag read Shade rose a brow at her before looking at her leather wrist watch.

"I'm sorry but am afraid you are already late for the interview because they commenced a while ago"

Aria knew she was right without being told but she was hoping something could be done since she was already there.

"I know am late but is there no way i can just fall in line? Am sure other persons might be waiting as well and besides,i don't think the interview has gone far by now if it was scheduled for 9am so please help me" she pleaded yet again.

"I'm sorry but 9am is the set time and protocol must be followed"

Even though her emphasis was on the fact that she was already late. Aria was sure, she'd curve in if she kept pleading.

"Look, i apologize for being late and am not saying your protocol shouldn't be followed either but getting here on time wasn't easy and am not trying to justify it either but i just need a chance to get to the interviewer because i really need this job please"

She was sure only a miracle can change her mind as she showed no sign of reconsideration.

"Please" she pleaded yet again

"Okay fine!"

She said finally before turning towards her desktop computer.

After checking through her computer screen, she gave her a slight nod.

"Give me your name, let me check my list of persons. Let hope your name haven't been called yet"

Aria gave her,her full details and had to wait with hitched breath while she checked through her list of names.

"You are in luck! You are second to the last person so I guess you are just in time to be interviewed"

Aria couldn't help but smile widely. She still has a chance despite everything.

"Do you have an ID? Because you are going to be needing one"

"Yes! Sure" she retrieved her ID from her purse and handed it to her.

She stared at the plastic card in her palm as she inspected it with her painted manicure nails before returning it.

"Alright, all you need is your credentials and job invite and you are set to go in. Good luck!"

"Alright! I have everything in my files" 


The moment the word left her mouth she remembered she was in possession of one earlier and began to wonder where she had dropped it.

Maybe it's inside her car?

"I think i left it in my car. Let me quickly go retrieve  it"

She didn't wait for reply before hurrying away.

She hurried off to where her car was parked while praying silently for the file containing her credentials to be lying at the back seat because she was sure she had placed it there.


She could feel the rush of anxiety  through her vein with the frantic beating of her heart as she leaned over to grab her file but found the seat empty. She searched everywhere she believed to have placed it but found nothing.

She even looked under the passenger's seat but found nothing.

The fact that she couldn't find the documents wasn't the worst part as she could already picture all the scenario that was about to befall her.

She must have left it at home while trying to get away from Frank earlier.


Maybe she was just overreacting and could be that she left home without it

At least she hopes for it to be the case.

Dear God!

Why is everything going the wrong way no matter how carefully she had planned it.

Allowing herself to cry at this point would be accepting defeat and willing herself to give up now was the last thing on her mind.

She was either going to go in there and face being asked to leave or just save herself the humiliation by leaving while she still could

A single tear drop slipped down her right cheek as she leaned against the side of her car.

This was yet another plan gone wrong!

Frank was back at his office reviewing the previous month report while his mind would occasionally wander off to Aria.

He wondered how things were going for her at the job interview without her credentials but no matter how tempted he was to seek her out and hand them to her?_ he still couldn't do it.

Giving them to her would also mean letting her go and he wasn't ready to do any of it without a good fight.

Frank still couldn't understand his new found attachment to her and hell_ it has nothing to do with the sex either.

He has slept with too many girls to even care. Was it her stubbornness or her ability to have him chasing after her like a teenage boy in love.

It has to be the heart making fun of him yet again but he wasn't going to allow it. At least not until he was sure and doesn't have to fall on his face yet again.

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