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There is nothing as terrifying as your brain getting the 'missing' signal the moment you lose something pretty valuable to you. You start to panic while imagining all the worst case scenarios that could take place especially if that something that has gone missing possess the ability to either get you your dream job or make you lose it even before you got started.

Now, this was the exact case scenario Aria has found herself in since the moment she found out her credentials has gone MIA. Having been given the chance to participate in the job interview in the first place was a sheer act of grace but not without the promise of turning in her papers early the next morning.

While she was still outside contemplating on getting in her car and driving away in the speed of light just to get her papers_She was lucky to have been met by one of their staffs who knew her very well and was also willing to attest to the fact that she was indeed speaking the truth about her qualifications after she explained the situation she has found herself in.

Aria was obliged to return her originals and all the requirements the next day at the same time for assessment.

Following the course of event that took place and owning up to expectations in which she did excellently well thanks to her high level of IQ and working experience over the last six year.

She was given the job.

Faced with a bitter sweet experience,she drove back home in silent. She has the job but keeping it would depend solely on her papers and turning them in on time too but then again what if she can't find them as expected and also on time?

Sighing out in frustration, she shook her head slightly_She rather be positive as she pushed back the thought and stepped on the gas paddle.

She arrived back at her house with the hope of finding them lying around on the couch only to realized there were still missing and not at home as she had thought.

Still pacing around in frustration. She came to a stop when a thought crossed her mind.

She went over the event that took place that morning in her head._while analysing every detail carefully with kneaded eyebrows. She couldn't help but arrive at one conclusion.


It has to be him and no one else.

Could he actually stoop as low as stealing her papers just to keep her from getting a new job? The thought alone was enough to get her in a really bad mood.

The thought of calling him and giving him a piece of her mind was tugging at the tip of her tongue as she searched frantically for his phone number only to realized she had deleted its existence from her phone.

She couldn't help but screamed and kicked at the nearest cushion in anger after which she had to calm herself with each intake of breath!_just one at a time until she was no longer feeling like she was about to go murder a particular someone.


Aria began to rub circle at her forehead to calm herself even more.

Going over to his office seemed like the only option at that point as she stood contemplating on her next move while staring at her car keys.


Frank had just finished reviewing the reports for the month and was about to head out for lunch when he heard voices followed by foot steps heading towards his office. Being overly familiar with the two female voices heading at his direction _he knew exactly who they were.  So he stood up and leaned against his desk, while waiting for their impending presence.

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