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Aria stood at her door way with arms akimbo while staring at a smiling Lizzy who seemed completely clueless about how betrayed and hurt her friend could be feeling.

Lizzy reached out and pulled Aria into a bear hug and just kept holding her.

She pulled back after a while and scanned Aria over with careful eyes.

"Oh my God Ari...are you okay?"

Aria said nothing in reply. She couldn't understand why Lizzy was acting so worried about her when she would have kept her from falling prey the previous night.

"Say something girl!" Lizzy had shook her over the shoulders.

"What do you want me to say?" Aria had snapped back at her friend and even broken free from her hold.

Lizzy seemed shock at her reaction and decided to know why Aria could be acting in that manner towards her.

"I don't know? Maybe anything other than keeping quiet" Lizzy had told her still tugging at her hand.

"Look Ari, I know a lot has happened in this few hours and I will understand if you don't want to talk to me after this but I need you to at least say something"

"I have nothing to say to you alright? Absolutely nothing so stop bugging me." Aria had replied before she turned and walked into her living room with Lizzy following closely from behind.

"Are you sure about that? Because I know you are angry and I want to know why and am not leaving until you spit it out"

"Alright fine! You want to know why am this upset? You were supposed to be my friend but what did you do? You let me fall victim of something I could have avoided. Where were you last night Liz because you were gone when I woke up!"

Aria had practically screamed those words back at her best friend who seemed rather confused than enlightened about her problems.

"Where was I?_I was right there when you left last night and I did all I could so you wouldn't go driving yourself home but you assured me you were perfectly fit to drive so I let you go because your ex boss promise that he'd take you home and he did didn't he? Cos I saw you two leaving together in his car"

Aria had a face that said 'what the hell are you talking?' But didn't say it out loud because Lizzy wasn't done talking.

"Aria You scared the shit out of me when I didn't hear from you. I thought you two got involved in an accident or something but here you are getting upset at me for no reason"

"For no reason you say? Will you you quit trying to justify what happened already?!" Aria had yelled at her friend in total frustration.

Lizzy was shocked at Aria's comeback as she stood staring at how angry she was.

"Quit justifying you say? No one is justifying anything here Ari; am only trying to explain the situation to you because I think you deserve to know! I mean,I get why you are upset but come on, am sorry alright?"

Aria couldn't hide her pain any more as her lips began to tremble with tears rushing down her cheeks. She knew what happened wasn't her friend's fault and blaming her for it was just her own way of justifying herself.

Lizzy would never do anything to hurt her and much less set her up for the worst night of her life.

It has to be fate playing tricks at her for choosing to live life like everyone else. Maybe the life everyone was living is definitely not for her.

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