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In as much as she would have loved to protest all the way to wherever the heck he was taking her at that point, she found herself enjoying the unexpected ride much to her own dismay. Maybe it was because of the peace and quiet stretching between them as they drove in silent to an unknown destination.

Frank was careful not to upset her as he kept throwing little glances at her direction; lasting no longer than a second. Something about her that intrigues his mind and brings confusion to his heart.

One minute he was practically forcing her into his passenger seat and the next minute, she has settled in just too comfortably. One would think she was truly enjoying the ride and not secretly wishing for him to go blind so she could no longer be bothered by him. But oh well, not all wishes get granted.

At least God made sure of that aspect for cruel thoughts.

Her slender legs were entangled with one another underneath her seat while she continued to stare out the window towards the moving scene. He wonders what could be running through her mind. Her brows were hitched in concentration with her succulent lip forming a rather thin line.

If only he could hear her thought in that moment and see what she truly thinks of him. Hell; why does he even care about her thought. Not that he cares what anyone thought of him but just like his mom used to say_better to be in the company of a pretty lady than alone which is why he had promised her he'd take someone to the book launch even if that someone more than hates to be in his company.

Aria was still the perfect choice. She wasn't clingy or overbearing as other girls would have given his statue and personality.

Hell? It's even safe to say she hate his very presence. But that doesn't bother him, at least not if he could still get her to do whatever he wanted. But then again, he wonders for how long.

He took a quick glance at her and back on the road before smiling to himself.

If only she knew where he was taking her, she'd do more than just look out the window. She'd Probably jump out of it too.


Thirty more minutes and he pulled over in front of a shopping mall and she could only wonder why.

"Why are we here?" Her tone sounding irritated.

Frank shot her a lopsided smile and a wink.

"How about we go in and find out heh?"

He unbuckled his seat belt and got down while she took another minute to retrieve her phone from her hand bag after she heard the beep sound going off on her phone repeatedly indicating she has received a new message.

It was her friend Lizzy.

She totally forgot about giving Lizzy the feedback from her interview. How could she even remember in the mist of all the chaos going on in her life at the moment.

She quickly typed out a reply and sent before turning around only to find Frank leaning against his car staring back at her with a slight frown on his face.

"What?" Her expression mirroring his

"Can we at least go inside the shopping mall now?"


"Because I said so. Now come on"

He pushed himself off his car and began to walk away. Aria only sighed in annoyance when she realized it would be better to follow suite rather than just wait away in his car.

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