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When I woke up I heard the front door slam making me jump up from the bed because Milana wasn't beside me and then I seen her getting in a taxi and leaving.

Fuck! What do I do now? I can't fucking call her I broke her fucking phone!

I don't want to fucking call this nigga but I know I have to, well I could wait until I look for her myself.

Mila has no money and the people around here are fucking cruel if they hurt her I'm going to have to just go ahead and kill everyone.

I put my shoes and coat on and locked up the apartment before jogging down the stairs and getting in my car. I drove slowly down our streets, I mean these are some small roads no one is here anyways.

I was looking for her at parks but then I started to think and drove to the airport but I realized Jahseh couldn't have got her a ticket or anything to leave so I left.

I drove back to the apartment and sighed, it's fucking 6 in the morning and I still haven't found her.

(A/N I didn't want to make him find her so soon but I mean she didn't really go anywhere)

I drove around the block again but stopped at a motel this time, seeing her standing at the pay phone by it. I wasn't sure if it was her or not at first but it definitely was so I drove beside her.

When the car stopped behind her she jumped and looked at me with the phone still in her hand. I got out and walked over to the booth making her hang up and lower her head.

I opened the passenger door for her and pointed to it, signaling for her to get in.

"No Stokeley I-" she told me and I shook my head.

"I'm not trying to hear it, get in the fucking car" I told her and she wasn't fucking listening, just standing there like she can't hear and shit.

So I grabbed her by her arm and forced her in the car.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked her and she kept her head down.

"Milana I'm fucking talking to you!" I yelled at her and she jumped but still said nothing.

When we got back to the apartment I got out first and then took her out, forcing her up the stairs with me.

"My stuff is at the motel" she whispered when we walked in making me shrug.

"Give me the key" I told her and she sighed but did it.

"What's the room number?" I asked and she huffed but answered anyways.

"Stokeley I don't want to be with you anymore" she told me and I shrugged.

"That's too fucking bad."

"Why can't I just leave? Book me a flight home" she kept going like I wasn't already mad at her.

"Shut up!" I yelled at her and she jumped but nodded.


His obsession (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now