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(1 month later)

Over the time things only got worse for the couple. Stokeley on his own had decided not to keep his promise. He didn't want her out which is why he got Danny to get her even after they had just had a conversation about her living situation.

He wanted her to himself and he was going to make sure he got it. He knew if he told her that she'd run so he didn't but he has no intentions of letting her go anywhere.

Milana was beginning to get the feeling of that though and didn't fight. She didn't have the energy to argue and fight with him nor did she want the trouble behind it.

She had already messed up by going outside the last time they argued and getting in the car. She was woken up that night to the lock being put right back on and it instantly made her unsettled.

She realized when she'd stepped outside she had no idea where they were. She seen mountains just like when she'd go to the doctor and they'd be in the car forever.

She knew exactly what was happening but gave up on any hope. She'd stay here with Stokeley and that would be it for her.

"You good?" Stokeley asked her with his arms crossed, standing in the doorway.

She nodded and laid back, rubbing her stomach. She was no 6 months, 26 weeks at the end of her second trimester. Stokeley made sure that they seen the doctor and that everything was okay with the little one so that was an upside for her.

"You haven't been talking to me. Are you mad at me?" He asked her and she shook her head.

"I just know what you're doing Stokeley, I'm letting it settle" she told him which made his heart drop.

"What you mean?" He asked her making her turn and look up at him before sighing and looking away.

"I know it's the same stuff, you don't plan on letting me out of here unless it comes to the baby and if there was no baby you wouldn't let me out. You're just making these promises so I won't freak out but I already know" she told him and he could only look at her.

"It's okay as long as the baby is okay" she told him and he nodded and stood up from beside her.

Her being so calm about it made him feel weird. It kinda started to settle that this wasn't the right thing to do. He got up and left her in the room. He had to think about his actions.



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