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guess which bitch ass hoe is backkk? thas right, this one! you might not like today's update but the next one's gna be lit ;)


"I can't fucking believe this."

Max smirked from the driver's seat of his Bugatti he was currently Dylan borrow as the said woman continued to whine and complain from the passenger side. In all honesty, he considered it a miracle that she let him drag her to the car in the first place because both of them knew that if Dylan wanted to, she could have easily flung him off of her and slammed the door in his face.

But she didn't.

So there they both were the unlikely but likely couple, sitting together in a car without one killing the other. "Well, believe it because it's happening whether you like it or not."

Dylan snorted, bringing one of her knees up to her chest as she rested her foot on the nice leather seats. To anyone else, Max might've snapped, but he knew in which manner of game Dylan was playing and decided he'd delight himself in playing the same game as well. It takes two to do what they were doing anyway. "No wonder you and my brothers get along so well, you're all equally pushy. You should call your club 'The Pushy Assholes'. Hell's Vipers sounds too grown-up for you man-children."

Max huffed a laugh. Now that Dylan is not able to get her way, she has resorted to immaturity. He learned something new about this girl every day. "Alright, Miss Forked-Tongue, we've arrived. Your temper tantrum can end now"

"Thank God," Dylan mumbled, choosing to ignore the 'temper tantrum' part, as she made to fling her door open. She only stopped when Max's growl startled her.

"Don't you fucking move."

Dylan looked at him, incredulity written all over her face. "You just fucking told me to get out of the car."

"No," he said, boring holes into her eyes, "I did not. I never said to get out of the fucking car."

Dylan scoffed, dramatically yanking her hand away from the door, whipping her face to him, "Happy?" She wanted to add some... creative names for him at the end, but considering the talk they'd already had, Dylan refrained.

Max grinned at her struggle, as if he, too, knew what was running through her head, as he got out of the car. Dylan took a few breaths to calm herself as soon as his 'stupid' face went out of her line of sight. She gritted her teeth together. Fucking men.

Her miniature tantrum was nipped in the bud when her door was opened by none other than the infuriating man himself. He had a bright smile on his face, enjoying her plight as well as the fact that her hands were practically tied.

Scrambling to save a scrap of her dignity and one-up him, she merely "harrumphed" and pushed past him, disregarding the fact that she had no idea where she was going, or rather, where Max was taking her. He had taken her into the heart of the small town, and she took note of the fact that he'd chosen to park close to the park located within the heart of the center.

"Ahem," Max called from behind her.

She turned to face him, noticing she was a few yards away from him, brows furrowed and a definite frown on her face. Max was still leaning against the car, amused and a bit aloof. Oh, he was enjoying every second of this. "What?" she asked, attitude laying thick with every wisp air that had escaped her mouth to pronounce that one word.

"Know where you're going, princess?"

Like all things, Dylan ignored the nickname and raised a brow, "Away from you. Where else?" She turned around before he could react and wanted to high-five herself for that small victory even though she felt like going over to him and smacking him. Hard.

A Queen's Revenge - Hell's Vipers MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now