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wow, this is one long chapter... i guess that's why it's so late lol - once again, tacoma, nevada is a place i made up, it doesn't exist (i think)


It was four AM when Dylan woke up. Instantly aware, she listened for any unusual sounds that could have possibly woke her. When she found that there was none, she chalked it up to the fact that she had finally caught up on all of her sleep from the past two days. She was still uneasy though, and since you couldn't exactly carry weapons through customs, she decided she'd call her men at her Nevada base later to bring her some firearms.

Not really feeling like eating breakfast just yet, Dylan pulled out her laptop and charger from her carry-on bag that was hanging on her suitcase and began to work on some stuff she'd left undone while in a hurry to get here.

By the time it hit six AM, Dylan had sent and answered numerous emails and she knew Zach would be up in no time to answer them and send her more work to complete as he was usually up at this time to do his first set of exercises for the day.

As she began her descent from the stairs to the first floor, Dylan became alert as she heard pitter-pattering of feet. She had previously donned her black hoodie and had hidden her swiss army knife in her bra like she always did, so she pulled the tool from her undergarment as she continued cautiously down the stairs.

She breathed out a sigh of relief as she saw a tiny body jumping up and down at the double door fridge to grab what she assumed was the milk jug. "What are you doing?" she said as she put her hands on her hips, her knife safely tucked back in her bra.

Audrey jumped a mile high and almost fell flat on her face if she didn't catch the counter ledge in time. Dylan silently cursed herself for sneaking up on a six-year-old. She may like kids, but it didn't mean she was good with them.

"W-who are you?" Audrey said quietly, her bright blue eyes resplendent just like her mother's. She backed up into the fridge, almost shutting herself in if she hadn't caught the door in time, and pushed it back.

Dylan frowned. Did she not remember me? "I'm your Aunt Dylan. Don't you remember? I got you the big pink bunny on your fourth birthday. I'm here to help your mommy until your daddy gets better." Dylan inwardly sighed. This is what she gets for being out of her niece's life physically and emotionally for the past six years.

Audrey relaxed as she heard the word "mommy" and "daddy". The kid trusted her parents. Audrey looked up as she pondered the name Dylan for a bit before she gasped and lit up. "I remember you, you got me Bun Bun!" Audrey giggled as Dylan dropped down to her knees with a big smile on her face, relief washing over her.

"Well, since you remember me, can I get a hug?" Dylan beamed.

Audrey giggled as she nodded and hurtled over to Dylan, squeezing her tight. Dylan squeezed back and cried. Children were always a touchy subject for her, and some women she rescued were hesitant to bring their babies around her after they heard her story just because they pitied her.

Audrey pulled back and frowned when she saw her aunt crying, "Why are you crying, Auntie Dy Dy?"

Dylan wiped her tears, grateful as Audrey helped her, saying, "I just missed you so much." She squeezed Audrey again. God, I feel like I'm on my period.

Audrey pulled back and wiped more tears, "Don't cry! I'll play with you a lot so you won't miss me anymore."

Dylan laughed hoarsely as most tears threatened to pour out. "I'd like that," she said. "I'd like that very much." They smiled at each other for a moment before Dylan wiped her tears once more and stood up, still gripping Audrey by the hand. "Now, how would you like some milk to drink this morning?"

A Queen's Revenge - Hell's Vipers MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now