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so now we have all the brother's perspectives and get to see a bit into their minds and who they really are...


As soon as Caleb hung up on Dylan, he felt like puking. He couldn't believe he had just threatened to disown his own sister. Sure, she was quite literally already doing the same to him and the rest of the brothers, but the whole point was to push past her defenses and get her to open up. Instead, he built up his own wall and left her with a little passageway! With the amount of "work" she says she is doing, it was technically impossible for her to wrap it all up within two days as there was also a possibility of her not having enough money to travel, but his brother Adam assured him that what he did may not have been the best option but it was the only option. There was no other way to get Dylan to prove herself other than to have her here to have a face-to-face talk after her eldest brother nearly died.

The past few years had been rough on the brothers, and each of them blamed themselves for losing contact with Dylan, but Adam did so the most. While he was five years older than Dylan and there wasn't much he could do, he pulled through when their negligent father couldn't, and when Adam was eighteen, our father didn't hesitate to sign the rest of his children off into Adam's hands before he disappeared off the face of the earth.

However, Adam didn't falter. He continued to care for his siblings like he always did and worked his ass off under the MC as a prospect just to give his siblings a better life. Although Baylor and Caleb ended up joining the MC as well, all three of the brothers put in their time and effort as well so that Dylan could have enough money to go to her dream college up in Jersey where she could pursue her love of numbers and all things mathematical to become an accountant.

When Dylan stopped contacting them, the brothers felt as if they had no sister. Adam thought it was because he'd missed something so she was mad at him and he beat himself up for it sometimes. Baylor thought she was avoiding them because of him and his habit of teasing the shit out of her. Caleb, though, thought it had something to do with the president who he knew had an eye for his sister. While he knew he'd have to discuss that issue with the rest of his siblings if and when Dylan arrived, Caleb also knew that years were way too long to avoid Venom. So all the brothers knew that something was up with their sister.

However, six years was way too long for her to be working out an accounting case of a small firm.

So Caleb knew that threatening her was the last option. They had already tried to speak with her, negotiate with her, give her space, ask her to come home... hell, they did everything but visit her!

Shortly after Caleb got off the phone with Dylan and talked with him, Adam pushed everyone home, even his wife. He said that everyone needed to wash up and take a good rest. He was especially strict with the stubborn Millie who refused to leave his side but gave in tonight, saying something about back pains and needing an actual bed. Besides, even if she had said no, Kayla would have dragged her to her bed.

After he and Baylor dropped Millie and Kayla off at Piston and Kayla's home, both retreated to their respective rooms in the clubhouse, but not before Caleb told Baylor about the phone call he had with Dylan. Baylor just got quiet and didn't say or do anything except go to his room and quietly shut the door after himself. Caleb sighed and retreated to his own room where he, and most likely his brother in the next room, fell into a fitful sleep.

That sleep was needed though, because he was still outrageously sleepy and exhausted when Baylor burst in his room around ten AM saying, "Caleb, it's Dylan."

Caleb didn't remember any of his morning routines thereafter. He only remembered asking how Baylor knew and it was something along the lines of "the nurse called me saying a mysterious woman by the name of Dylan Ralston arrived at the hospital at three this morning". Caleb also remembered pressing the gas of the van they hopped into after that. Minutes later, both brothers were barrelling into a room that, sure enough, held a living, breathing Dylan who was helping a standing Adam.

What the hell?!






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