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ahhh i couldn't stop writing and adding details 


Dylan told Zach that she had, obviously, landed safely and of all that happened since she woke up this morning. He wasn't surprised and lightly scolded her lying to her brothers again after all this time, but he calmed once Dylan told him that she'd spill her guts once Adam was healed enough to take it. Despite her mission to keep her brothers safe by keeping her identity secret, it might honestly kill her to look them in the eye these entire two months and not say something.

She was slipping her phone in her pocket when her luck allowing her some silence ran out.

Out the hospital doors came Maximus. She sighed. It was highly weird for him to lay a claim on her when he didn't even know her. On top of that, how was he so confident that she wanted him too? It was obvious that Max was a sight for sore eyes, but when the attraction no longer became the main feature of the relationship, would she be able to handle the repercussions?

"Checking in?" his deep voice rang out.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Dylan said stiffly. She turned her attention to the road ahead of the hospital's parking lot, eyeing the few cars that passed. Many cars that passed through these roads were looking for a shorter pass into Vegas.

"You made me wait six years," he said.

Dylan scoffed as she snapped, "I don't know what the hell is your problem, but I didn't make you do shit. Could we not do this right now?" She faced forward still knowing that if she looked over, she'd get lost in his eyes and fall back into the past. She couldn't afford to do that. Not anymore.

Max ignored the question at the end. "Whether you realize it now or later, Dylan," he sighed out as if he were tired of repeating himself, "you will be my Old Lady."

"What the literal fuck is your problem? I don't even fucking know you, fuck off." She was looking at him now, but at his eyebrows. His sexy, thick, brown eyebrowsㅡ

He only raised those brows before saying, "I've heard enough about you from your brothers that it invalidates your previous statement."

"Oh, Jesus," she sighed looking back at the road.

"I'm not saying it'll be today, tomorrow, or any day soon, but," he moved closer to her and took her chin between his thumb and fore knuckle, "I'm not going to hide that I am attracted to you and am very interested in learning and memorizing everything about you." His lips were by her ear as he repeated, "Everything."

It took everything in her to not shiver in... lust. God, it was like she was a teenager again, backed up against the wall as Marcus Bremen, the school's quarterback, took her first kiss. It wasn't even a fling; he just took her first kiss and left. Not that she minded though. At the time, the last thing she wanted was one of her brothers ending up in jail for murder. Now, she knew they had just as much blood on their hands as she did. Maybe even less.

She pushed Max away, as well as all those other thoughts. "Well, I know nothing about you," she gave him the side-eye, "and while you are attractive as well, I can't promise I haven't seen better."

He frowned at that, but he shrugged. "If you want to know about me, all you have to do is ask, darling."

Dylan's response was a halfhearted snort. Darling. She scowled. How odious. "Why are you out here, other than to pester me?"

He walked around her and picked up her luggage. "I'm taking you to Reaper's house so you can sleep. You'll need more after an overnight flight."

Dylan huffed as she watched Max march off with her suitcase and bag on top. Of course. Of all the people her brother could send, he sent the one asshat she couldn't stand. "I know that, genius."

A Queen's Revenge - Hell's Vipers MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now