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typed this gem on my phone, brace for mistakes and things that literally make no sense lmao


Dylan's father left when she was thirteen, but truth to be told, he was never really there since her birth. Adam was though, and although he was five years old when their mother died, he seemed to realize that he'd have to grow up, and fast. 

Adam did have the help of the family babysitter, Marie-Anne, who was a home-schooled rich girl, but when she went home for the day, he was left alone with three young children including himself. However, Adam didn't let that stop him.

Every night since Dylan was three months old, Adam would always put his siblings to sleep. Every night, he'd run his fingers through her hair and play with it until sleep claimed her. Anyone might think it was just a simple sweet moment between brother and sister and nothing more, but it wasn't. No, it was more of the feeling it gave. A safe comforting state of mind appeared every time Adam did so. It made her feel loved and wanted and although he stopped around the time Marie-Anne had finished potty training her, she never forgot that feeling and how precious it was.

With that being said, you could imagine her surprise when she felt that safe feeling rouse her from her slumber. Her mind became awake, but her body was still out of it. Dylan inwardly winced as her muscles tensed and made her aware that she'd fallen asleep in a horrible position. As memories flooded her head, Dylan inwardly sighed and cursed when she realized she'd fallen asleep in that God-awful crouch. My fucking back, Jesus Christ. She was vaguely aware that sunlight was coming through the window in the hospital making her eyelids seem red. It was then that soothing feeling came again, shaking her to the very core. 

Her eyes snapped open. It was time to face them, her brothers. 

But, shit. She was caught.

And, good God, Adam seemed to notice her lack of breathing and chuckled deeply enough that she felt the vibrations tingle throughout her head. 

"Hello, Dylan," Adam said, chipper that he should be as a person who's been shot thrice. However, his voice was still as soothing as it'd been all those years ago. Six years... six fucking years... she really missed him. More than she had anticipated. 

Slowly, Dylan looked up and faced her brother. She trembled as she made eye contact. Hazel met brown. Adam and Baylor were the only two to inherit their mother's eyes, while Caleb was the only one who had their mother's hair. 

Adam hadn't changed much. In fact, he hadn't changed at all in the past six years. Dylan inwardly frowned. What would he say when he saw how much she'd changed?

Shaking off her inner battles for later, Dylan smiled a small, honest smile at her brother. One she hadn't worn in a long time. Trying not to have a voice crack, she said quietly, "Hey, old man." 

Adam chuckled at the use of the old nickname. He'd always acted more like an ideal father than her brother. He coughed a bit before his face rested back into a heartbreaking smile. "I think I'm still dreaming."

She definitely wasn't expecting that. "Why?" she asked, brows furrowed. 

"Because there's no way you're actually here," he said with a laugh that held bitterness to the humor.

Dylan inwardly flinched. Her smile became strained. Whether he did it on purpose or not, she deserved that. "Yea, pretty insane, right? But don't worry about it, I assure you, this is real. I was here when you got married and had a child, and now I'm here until you get back to normal."

A Queen's Revenge - Hell's Vipers MC Book #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt