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10 minutes before deadline, yippee! - this is short and a bit of a filler, sorry about that - type this on my phone, so there are many errors, sorry again :( 


Venom just couldn't understand why that little thing, that little woman, had claimed him so thoroughly with only a few glances and even fewer words. 

But deep inside himself, he knew he did.

It's been seven years, and no matter how hard Venom tried, someway or another, her hazel eyes were always there. He could feel them spying on him when he was awake and alone in his office, he could feel them when he would close his eyes to sleep, but most horridly of all, he saw them in his sleep. The eyes plagued his dreams so much so that it sometimes drew him from sleep. 

Dylan Ralston.

His angel sent from Heaven. 

He again thought his mind was playing tricks on him when he burst into Reaper's hospital room only to lock eyes with the infamous hazel in the flesh.

He knew he was fucked.

He had gotten a call early this morning from a prospect, Simon, a burly, but efficient man, who spied Reaper's two brothers make fast out of the compound. Taking that as a sign that something must be wrong, he told Simon to alert Piston so that he could bring over Millie, Reaper's Old Lady, as he shot onto his bike and raced over to the nearby hospital. Reaper was his dearest friend, and while every member has taken some sort of hit for the club before, it was just a little different because of the close bond the two had. Reaper, Bill, and Venom made a badass team, he wasn't going to lie, and he'd be damned if he let some jackass nomad of Devil's Pit to deprive him of his men. 

He parked his bike beside one of the club cars he'd recognized, knowing the brothers took it, and went straight into through the hospital doors. A chill raced done his spine. He always hated hospitals. 

He glanced fleetingly at the nurse at the front desk, fully intending to walk past her when he stopped. Despite the close bond he shared with Reaper, it was nowhere near as strong as the blood brothers felt for each other. Not only are they bonded to each other by the club, but they were also endowed to each other by blood. For all Venom knew, they could be having a heart-to-heart at the moment and he'd end up being the idiot barging into it. 

"What happened," he demanded from the nurse. She jumped as if she was fully well expecting him to walk right by. He couldn't blame her. His club was fucking intimidating and it was rare members ever needed to use the hospital utilities because the club doctor, Diesel, had enough to compensate. As a former army medic, he did well to manage all the stress in the event of a run gone wrong. However, if a certain injury demanded something he didn't have, he sent them here to be looked over and to be surrounded by twenty-four hour care, no questions asked.

She fumbled for a bit before she said, "Someone arrived here. Apparently, she was extremely important because both Smoke and Cypher ran in here when I'd called Smoke to let him know."

Venom felt the chill return to him. He wasn't sure he was breathing. "She?" he repeated a bit dumbly. Was he hearing things?

"Yea," the nurse nodded nervously, looking down and fiddling with a few papers now. "I think her name is Dylan or something," she let out a nervous giggle, "how odd she has a man's-"

Venom didn't wait around for the bumbling woman to finish. He hauled ass down the hall, almost mauling over a small, old, rickety nurse.

But, sure enough, there she was.

A Queen's Revenge - Hell's Vipers MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now