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hehe im backkk... honestly i am genuinely surprised we've hit 1.7k views, like its insane. this was just a little something i was trying out and i definitely did not expect it to take off although i cant say im mad it did. thanks so much for all the support guys! vote! comment! enjoy :)


Baylor felt like shit. It wasn't an overstatement or a joke, it was legitimate.

Not only did his little sister beat his ass like a professional while being only half his size, but he also couldn't forgive himself for what he had done to make her do that. Not to mention that some of it had come from how he had treated her when they were younger.

This new side of Dylan was pure uncharted territory because as she said, he and his brothers were so used to seeing her innocent and kind all of the time. Now, she had a deadly look in her eyes that said, 'come and play with me, I dare you'. There was a darker side of her that was foreign and although it was terrifying, it was intriguing.

Out of all the brothers, Baylor was the most aggressive, the most impulsive, and he knew it. Was fine with it. With that being said, he was not surprised he got into a brawl with his sister in the first place. He had seen her use her strength to hold up Adam who was twice her size and had seen the difference in her eyes the moment he saw her.

His sister was a badass and he couldn't figure out if it made him sad or proud. He felt like he could be sad because he had this nagging feeling he had lost something important, but at the same time, he was beaming with pride that his sister was a force to be reckoned with kickass moves. That, and the fact he was the first brother she had shared her personal life with, however small of a snippet.

After things had calmed down, both siblings went to clean themselves up. While they did so, they exchanged stories from the experiences they'd had these past six years. Dylan didn't open up much on the reason she'd entered the ring in the first place and what she worked as now just like she'd said she'd do but she spared him no details of the brutal fights she'd seen, endured, and won.

Baylor had never stepped foot in an illegal ring or any of the underground arenas, but he had enough of a mental picture from Dylan that he considered himself well informed. While it had struck him funny that his sister had to endure all of those vicious tournaments with no familial support system, he was glad she had triumphed, but he would have liked to have been with her, beside her. Maybe even teach her how to fight.

He also spared her no details of the MCs they'd taken down over the years and how they'd expanded. Although it was business from the past, it was still club business and was not allowed out of Church, but he was trying to fix his relationship with Dylan, so it was a risk he was willing to take. Part of him wasn't sure Dylan would understand the works of club business, but surprising him yet again, she took the information and understood it. He figured it was probably because all kinds of vermin crawled around underground and she had proved well-enough that she spent a great deal of time down there.

"You know..." Dylan trailed off as Baylor was getting ready to head out, going straight to the clubhouse to pull Caleb's nose out of her business. Her words had him directing his attention to her though. "I have some work down here that I need to do. Think you can cover for me?"

He adopted a hopeful look, "Only if you tell me what kind of work." Baylor was never the 'patience-is-a-virtue' type. If he wanted his answers, he'd get them. However, for his sister, he'd refrain but not before putting in comments here and there.

Dylan wasn't cutting it though and gave him a disapproving look before going down to pull up her combat boots. She was wearing a black blazer that fully concealed her back and arms just like Millie said the sweater had done to her this morning. She wore a tank under the blazer that was grey and donned a pair of dark wash jeans to go with it.

A Queen's Revenge - Hell's Vipers MC Book #1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang